i don't care too much for money - money can't buy me love. can't buy me love.... but....
1. netbook
2. messenger bag for netbook
3. killers cd
4. complete set of septimus heap books
all i have for you today is my greed.
you're welcome.
1. netbook
in follow up to gum introduction.
on the way home from the grocery store today, i heard on the radio that roman polanski was apprehended in an italian airport and is set for extradition to the usa to stand trial for having had sex with a 13 yo girl in 1977. that's right - 1977. he's been a fugitive from the usa for over 30 years. roman polanski is a relatively major celebrity type person, and yet he has avoided being apprehended all these years, and we wonder why we cannot catch osama bin laden, a man living in a cave.
so last night we were out hunting for supper in all the usual hunting grounds, and my old man makes a turn into the parking lot at academy sports. i said - «are we going to eat here, at academy?» and he said - «yes.» and i said - «what are we going to eat - freeze dried camping foods? haha?» he said - «no. leather goods.»
sitting at the mellow mushroom yestereve, i looked around the room at my fellow patrons and noticed a table of 4 guys who appeared to be in their mid-twenties. two had their heads bowed over their hands and i was all like, aw - they're praying. but then i noticed the other 2 were just looking around, lah-lah-lah, and i was all like, man - that is ruuude! and then i looked again at the praying ones and realized they were not praying. they were texting. durr. made me realize how technology is maybe not such an integrated part of my thinking as i would like to believe.
i was just getting over the broken ankle thing and getting out there & running again, and i think i might have overdone it. sheesh! i was barely even doing anything! but, my calf is now hurting so in order to avoid a serious injury, i will back off the running and get back on the bike.
moammar gadhafi is in town for the united nations meeting, and he brought his own digs cause he sleeps in a tent. i am not sure how he reconciles this with travelling by airplane. oh, wait. i do know. he's a lunatic.
here's the thing about saying you want to clean up waste & fraud in govt - - we all agree that there is waste & fraud, and we all agree that it's a good thing to clean it up, and we all have no way of telling where the waste is or if it's getting cleaned up. preaching clean up is an easy way to curry everyone's favor, and you don't actually even have to do anything about anything b/c on the rare chance that you're called on it and have to answer for it, you can simply say that you tried, but your attempts were blocked.
we are supremely disconnected from our food.
you get my tweet and imagine we have had a chat. you read my blog and imagine we have had a conversation. you look at pictures of me on facebook and imagine we have had a visit. but what is this to me? it means little to me because my experience of you is negligible - while yours of me is fulfilling. you take the bits of ace but when do you give the bits of you? but even so - even in this disparate game of my monologues - i would choose your listening over your not listening. if this makes me appear pitiful in your eyes - so be it! to be pitiful in this way is to be merely human, and human is the best that i can accomplish.
my old man is one of those folks who have to have the teevee on. i am not. on - off - whatevs. if it were just me, i would have a teevee, but it would not be on nearly as much and would spend most of its time assisting the dvd player. my old man will turn on the teevee on his way through the room. seriously - walking past, turn on teevee, keep moving. i don't see the point of most of the shows on teevee so i really miss the point of turning the thing on and leaving the room.
here's the cool thing about the iphone -- EVERYTHING! no, seriously. here's the cool thing about the iphone -- EVERYTHING! opps. sorry. can't help it. honestly, i tell you that the iphone has literally changed my very life. how, you ask? one word -- EVERYTHING! no, just kidding. the iphone has changed my life because on it i can access scramble. what is scramble? scramble is an attitude. scramble is a lifestyle. scramble is the best friend you never had in high school because you were too busy eating doritos and watching the love boat while brooding about your lonely individualism.
here is my theory on kanye west: he's an idiot. now, there are a lot of idiots in the world, but here's the unfortunate addendum to kanye's idiocy: kanye spends a great deal of his life 2 feet
over the years, professional football logos/mascots have changed. most have taken a turn for the meaner. here are a few i've gathered. notice how the old are more stationary and passive. the newer simulate motion and aggression. it's a meaner world we live in these days.
futbol season -- opening day today. crappy green team tied our opponent nil-nil. i got some kinda wack blister on the tip of my starboard side toe bel grande, and now there is no skin there. probably happened when i slide-tackled my opponent causing said opponent to do a full flip in the air before landing beside me. heh. okay, that probably didn't cause the blister, but it was very cool. i did win the ball, but the silly ref blew the whistler and gave the ball to the other team. picky-ass wanker.
today my old man & i were on a marvelous adventure [i.e., driving home from a soccer tourney] and through a happenstance [i.e., purposeful arrangement] of timing, suppertime coincided with starbucks time. it is really odd [i.e., obvious] how that happenstanced. anyhootle - we had starbucks coffee and oatmeal cookie for apperrtizerr and then visited the baskin-robbins next door for supper. heh [i.e., heh]. at starbucks i had my usual [i.e., whenever i feel like i can get away with spending $5 on a cup of coffee {i.e., generally when elvis is buying}] triple granday skinny cimmanon dolchay lattay. at b-r, the decision was more difficult. pralines & creme is an all-time fave, as is daquari ice [i.e., device to make liquor seem fun to children], but they also had this walnut concoction [i.e., mixture] and this other multi-nut/coconut mixture [i.e., concoction] and also pinstanchino. the pinstanchino had almonds [i.e., not pinstanchinos] in it, which is a curiosity b/c why didn't it have pinstanchinos? at any rate, that is the one on which i settled, and upon further review [i.e., eating it] i declare it to be good. i am not crazy for ice cream like some people [i.e., my old man] but because it sounds silly to say that i eat it to be social, i won't say that. i will say that i eat ice cream b/c of peer pressure. i am too weak [i.e., lactose insouciant] to stand up for myself. i am the victim of dairy bullying [i.e., did you catch that cow pun?].
if you could have only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
sometimes i think if i don't write something new every day, you will lose interest & not come back. sometimes i think if i do write something new every day, you will lose interest & not come back. should i leave you wanting something more or will this just make you tired of waiting? should i give you something new every day or will this just make you take me for granted? there has got to be a balance between giving too much and not giving enough.
biome: a major biotic community characterized by the dominant forms of plant life and the prevailing climate. back in the day, we called them by these names:
29:39. eh - not bad after being injured all summer long. wouldn't have gotten out of bed at all, but my old man got up to go run, and i was feeling rather like a slug for laying there, so i got up, and glad i did. junior was there, but not speedy b/c they appear to have broken up for realz this time and she spent the weekend at the u-of-mich football game with drinkin-bud. she doesn't even like football and used to proclaim how drinkin-bud was such an annoyance who bugged her all the time with the texting and the calling and so on & so forth. ergo - i would presume she & junior have really broken up if she'd go out of town with someone so annoying to do something she doesn't even like to do.
here's the thing. a note from a parent or guardian should excuse a kid from anything at school. anything. any.thing.
today, i got up & ate breakfast. then, i sat around just a bit & checked my email. then, i went for a run [haha, i don't really run again yet]. then, i took a shower, washed the dishes, started the laundry. then, i ate some tuna & cottage cheese mixed up and read the paper. then, i balanced the checkbook, paid all the bills, and watched the u-t beat western ky 63-7. then, i went with my old man to dick's sporting goods where i found some khakis to purchase and to the vitamin shoppe. then, i went with my old man & his brother and all their fam including baby einstein and the little linebacker - all went to logan's and ate supsup. then, i went to academy sports with my old man. then, i went with him to kroger to buy ice cream which we took over to the coal miner's daughter's house and we all had some ice cream or frozen yogurt take your pick, in a cone or a bowl take your pick. then, i watched nascar on the big screen in h-d and let me tell you this - little-e has got some skin issues you might not know about if you haven't seen him in the high def world or live & in person. then, i came home and washed some more dishes and set up the coffee pot. now, i am watching bamalama vs va tech, and i saw on the scrollie that the thundering herd was successful today, and it looks like the dores will be, too!
today was "wear your college colors" day. yet another funky made-up excuse to sell stuff. jezz. i didn't even know it was "wear your college colors" day, but i chose to wear a shirt emblazoned with the name of mini-me's school. this is a shirt i never wear to work ever ever, but i was inexplicably compelled to wear today. obviously this was the hand of predestiny. it is nice to be among the chosen.
the story du jour on the conservative talk show circuit is obama's planned speech to the school kids. well, more the planned follow-up than the planned speech.
when i was growing up, everything i learned about keeping house i learned from the shaman. now, the shaman was a lot of things, but »good housekeeper« was not one of those things. nor, really, was mentor. suffice it to say that i learned more about shirking than working. consequently, i have diligently studied all my adult life to learn to keep a nice, clean house. and, by diligently studied, i mean skirted around being way too busy doing way too more-important things with my time. i do run marathons you know. heh. the bottom line is that tonight i spent an hour cleaning bathrooms and this is either a testament to the depth with which i clean or a statement about how bad things get before i do something about it. i claim it is the former. hey! it's not like stuff was growing in there or anything. well, not really big stuff, anyway.