01 September 2009

all this scramble is giving me carpal tunnel syndrome.

when i was growing up, everything i learned about keeping house i learned from the shaman. now, the shaman was a lot of things, but »good housekeeper« was not one of those things. nor, really, was mentor. suffice it to say that i learned more about shirking than working. consequently, i have diligently studied all my adult life to learn to keep a nice, clean house. and, by diligently studied, i mean skirted around being way too busy doing way too more-important things with my time. i do run marathons you know. heh. the bottom line is that tonight i spent an hour cleaning bathrooms and this is either a testament to the depth with which i clean or a statement about how bad things get before i do something about it. i claim it is the former. hey! it's not like stuff was growing in there or anything. well, not really big stuff, anyway.


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