28 August 2009

i think it's cool when a nickname is from the end of a name like colm for malcolm or liam for william or topher for christopher or ebe for phoebe.

being smart isn't always about knowing the answers. sometimes it's about knowing how to find the answers - that is, knowing how to ask the right questions. some people can memorize things and some people can figure things out, and okay - some people can do both, but if you pay attention you will find that people generally fall into one or the other category. people are either memorizers or figure-outer-ers. i am a brilliant genius, so i of course have both talents, but i do lean more to the figure-outer-er side of the scale. however, i am so exceedingly intelligent that my lesser skill in memorization so far outpaces the rest of the population that you normal people could not keep up with me even on my bad days.

speaking of smartness, i saw this headline today - «Many insurers to offer free H1N1 flu ... - Bizjournals.com» and what could be smarter than that? making people sick is the best way to get them to spend through that insurance benefit and dig right into their out of pocket expenses. brilliant!

i started this post at 11:11 which would have been a really cool time to post the post, and of course i can change the timestamp on the post to say whatever i want so i could leave it at 11:11, but that would be lying, wouldn't it now, and we can't have that, can we now? no.


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