forgot to buy powerball tickets! d'oh! if you don't win, you can't play.
we went to see harry potter and the half blood prince today and enjoyed it quite a bit. of course, any movie made from a harry potter book is going to leave a lot out. that's just the way it is - those books are too complex. so, this one left quite a bit out and some of it was sort of important. for instance - harry spent the majority of the book brooding & speculating about who was the half-blood prince, and that IS the subtitle of the book/movie, and they pretty much glazed over that entire plotline - just a couple mentions. it's understandable, because watching harry brood isn't as exciting as a good quidditch match or a lake full of dead people, but they could have given it a bit more play. other than that, the movie was spot-on and i give it a solid A-.
heard about this on the radio - dumpster pools. old dumpsters recycled into swimming pools. i had no idea there was such a thing as an old dumpster that would need recycling. i thought they just used those things until they fell apart. but these ones in brooklyn are recycled into pools. folks lined the dumpsters with plastic and then built decks around then. the radio story i heard said "it cost about $1000" but i don't know if that was for all 3 or just for 1. seems like a pretty cool idea, but then can't you get a regular above ground pool for $1000?
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