fri-day! fri-day!
yes, i realize les paul did not invent "the" guitar. he invented, like, kinds of guitars. i am not a complete idot.
let me just say that all this nonsense about the opposition to the health care plan not being true grassroots opposition is... um... nonsense. there are some people against the proposed health care plans. just like there were some people against the wars in iraq & afghanistan. what ever happened to those people, eh? they okay with the war now? um... right. anyway, there are people speaking out against a health care proposal they don't like. it's a free country - they are allowed to speak their minds. so why are they being villified? today obama said the insurance companies are behind the protests. glorioskie, man! conspiricize much? sheesh. you are the one who got a softball setup question at a town hall meeting just the other day from a child whose mother organized the meeting & wrote the question down for the child to read. now THAT's a conspiracy to produce a known outcome. hypocritical. sheesh.
in other news, the eagles signed michael vick. he says it's a country of 2nd chances, so let's give him a 2nd chance for now & see how things pan out. maybe he will use his chance wisely.
«A full 40.5 percent of posts on Twitter--or tweets, as they're called--can be classified as "pointless babble," according to a new study from Pear Analytics.» i have never tweeted anything other than pointless babble, so i'm batting 1000. someone is out there completely & totally unbabbling. unbabbling tweets? that, my friends, is truly pointless.
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