31 August 2009

if there were pancakes on the floor would you eat them?

we're getting uverse soon, so we cancelled the dish today. it'll run through tonight and then that's it - end of month = end of dish. there will be a lag between the cancellation and uverse, and during the lag we might not even be able to access the tivo, so i'll be watching merlin on the computer. and this concludes teevee talk time.

today at work we once again did not get to the printer the job that was supposed to go to the printer on 24 août. ::sigh:: this project has been one hassle after another all summer long, and isn't that the way it is - one project will soak the life & breath out of you until you just cannot stand to look at it one more second, and you get to where you don't care a nidge about the quality anymore - you just want it out of your freakin hair. tomorrow. tomorrow it will go. it will!

finished north river by pete hamill. solid two thumbs up. pete's simply a good writer. it's a bit of history, a bit of love story, and all together romantic in the traditional sense of creating a mood. it's got some suspense and some drama and some comedy. solid 3-dimensional characters. really a good book that's got it all together. i've also read mr hamill's snow in august, and it's also a good story, and both are very different which you don't always find in a writer. of course, the rest of his stuff might be like one or the other of these two, and i wouldn't know it, but i doubt that. i bet he writes a different story every time. this book would be liked by boys or girls.

currently reading the book that was on the top of the teetering to-read pile - the 5th thursday next novel, and apparently skipped the 4th without realizing it. oppsey-duhsey. good thing they totally build on each other so at this point i am halfway lost & confused. jeepus. no, no, seriously not that bad and i do enjoy a visit with ol' thurs.


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