23 September 2009

when i point to you, you're on. ready?

moammar gadhafi is in town for the united nations meeting, and he brought his own digs cause he sleeps in a tent. i am not sure how he reconciles this with travelling by airplane. oh, wait. i do know. he's a lunatic.

saw this headline - «Russian billionaire to buy 80 percent of the NBA's Nets» and thought "man, that is a lot of string" but then i remembered the nets are an nba team.

so - today i went to the allergist and learned that i am allergic to nothing. neither pine nor oak nor grass nor weed nor fur nor cockroach. that's right - they test to see if you're allergic to cockroaches. how the hell can you be allergic to something that doesn't have fur or skin? no. don't tell me. i really don't want to know. the way they test for allergies is first to write numbers 1 - 20 in 2 columns on both arms. then, they give you a light scratch with each allergen in its numbered space and a scratch with a control. you sit there 15 mins and wait for reax. if you get nothing, they try again a wee bit more invasively. [warning: mini-me, shut your eyes before you read this!] they stab you with 20 needles. no, wait. make that 19 needles. they don't puncture you with cockroach. so there i am trying to sit still with all those holes in my arms having no allergic reax at all. then, they give you the analysis which in my case was "you are allergic to nothing" and then they wipe the ink off your arms. this was really the most fascinating part - they wipe the ink off with a baby wipe. completely wipe the ink off. who knew that baby wipes could do this much against ink? it's almost like the ink is allergic to the baby wipe.


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