19 September 2009

happy new year! can you believe it's 5770 already?

my old man is one of those folks who have to have the teevee on. i am not. on - off - whatevs. if it were just me, i would have a teevee, but it would not be on nearly as much and would spend most of its time assisting the dvd player. my old man will turn on the teevee on his way through the room. seriously - walking past, turn on teevee, keep moving. i don't see the point of most of the shows on teevee so i really miss the point of turning the thing on and leaving the room.

right now, i am watching a teevee block called "cookie jar tv". why? b/c my old man turned on the teevee and left the room, stranding me over here a couple yards from the remote and another yard from the teevee itself. i would get the remote, but there are sharks in the river, so i need to stay on my island.

cookie jar tv is - as you might suspect - a cartoon block. the current offering is richard scarry. in case you're not familiar with ol' richard - first i will say that his name is pronounced like "scary" as in "this show is really scary" and not like it looks which would be "scar-ey" as in "this show has scarred me for life - it is scarry". here's a summary of richard's work: talking animals wearing pants, the end. most of richard's characters are your normal talking animals - cats, dogs, pigs, crickets. but one of his recurring characters is a worm known as lowly worm. lowly worm wears a pant and a shoe. as endearing as cats in pants are - a worm in a pant is potentially scary. and, scarry.

watching cartoons, you'll see different commershals than you get during, say, a football game. myriad items are marketed directly to children, and i am once again struck by our singular dullness as adults. kids are offered brightly coloured light-up shoes with retractable skate wheels. half shoe, half toy. ::sigh:: what defect of nature causes us to give up playful footwear? yeah, i know... our feet are too big.


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