13 September 2009

futbol football feet

futbol season -- opening day today. crappy green team tied our opponent nil-nil. i got some kinda wack blister on the tip of my starboard side toe bel grande, and now there is no skin there. probably happened when i slide-tackled my opponent causing said opponent to do a full flip in the air before landing beside me. heh. okay, that probably didn't cause the blister, but it was very cool. i did win the ball, but the silly ref blew the whistler and gave the ball to the other team. picky-ass wanker.

in news of american football -- did you know that the chicago bears have had 23 qb's in 20 years? nothing like continuity to build a successful franchise. huh huh. cutler's there now, and so i am a bears fan b/c i am a cutler fan. i am not a chris collinsworth fan. i am not an andrea kreamer fan. but... ::sigh::... they don't ask me about casting for sunday night football.

having nothing to do with football or futbol, but having to do with feet -- this morning, my old man was fixing to wash his new balances, and he asked if i wanted to put anything in, and i said, yeah, my running shoes, and he was like, where are they? and i was like, out there in the den i think. and then the next thing i knew he was dashing around the house with this kind of demented look in his eye. i asked what he was doing. he said... they're running shoes - i am trying to catch them.

yes, this is what i have to live with every day.


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