04 September 2009

some items from today

today was "wear your college colors" day. yet another funky made-up excuse to sell stuff. jezz. i didn't even know it was "wear your college colors" day, but i chose to wear a shirt emblazoned with the name of mini-me's school. this is a shirt i never wear to work ever ever, but i was inexplicably compelled to wear today. obviously this was the hand of predestiny. it is nice to be among the chosen.

today i bought stamps. i am a fan of stamps. look at the clean lines of the packet! neat, folded waxed paper with a flap stuck down with a wee bit of stampstuff. and there are the sheets of stamps sitting so sweetly in the packet. ah! i very nearly do not wish to open the packet because it is just so lovely. but stamps are made to be used, so i'll use them, mostly for mailing bills. but, some of the luckiest few will get to carry real letters to real people. mail call!

today i ate kiwi and blackberries in my fruit salad. you can see the kiwi right there on top and some blackberries peeking out. mmm! contrary to the recommendation of sweet baby james, i did not peel the kiwi. i figured i was slicing it thin enough that the peeling wouldn't bother me, and here's the thing about kiwis - they're quite tricky to peel. i did peel the pieces i put in the salad of my old man, because you know... he's not a big fan of the new foodstuffs being introduced, and i thought green mushy fruit that looks like frogskins with black seeds that look like frogeyes - i thought that was enough of a shock without including the treebarkesque peelings.

today for snack i had some snackin' flax. this should not be confused with wearable flax which i believe is burlap. snackin' flax is actually quite tasty, despite having the appearance of a doggie snack.

today i bought a small container of milk from the office cafeteria. this is the container of milk, sitting in my office fridger. you can see it's quite small. it costed me a dollar! a dollar! but i bought the milk b/c i really wanted some for my coffee. yesterday i remembered to purchase the silk soy creamer for use in my coffee, but i forgot to bring it to work. d'oh! i had to make a special trip to purchase the silk soy creamer b/c last week on the official weekly grocery trip, i thought it would be fun to try something different so i got a quart of goat's milk. okay, let me just advise you that goat's milk might sound like fun, but it tastes like notfun. i am not sure if the goat was maybe a plastic goat but the milk tasted mostly like plastic. at any rate, i could not use it because it was disgusting, so i wrote "help yourself" on the carton with a sharpie and i put it in the shared fridger. "help yourself". heh. blech.

today i found in my change a district of columbia quarter. this is one in the series of state quarters. you cannot see it in the picture, but that is what it is. trust me. trust me! i can say i didn't think i was all that old, but a lot has changed since i was in school. pluto's no longer a planet, and d-c is a state. [i realize it's not a state. durr. i am using ironicalized sarcasticalness.]

the end.


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