31 January 2011


wendy was surprised when classes started again after winter break. adelaide simply wasn't there. not that they'd been close or anything, well at least not since grammar school, but still... wendy o'rouke, adelaide osterman, that's how it had always been. it was a small town and a small senior high school and besides, there weren't that many names that started with o, so wendy and adelaide had sat side-by-side since kindergarten. during the first assembly of the new year, when wendy realised adelaide wasn't there, her immediate thought was that adelaide had killed herself. it's just what you thought with girls like adelaide.

"short girl, bushy hair, glasses." it was tommy pritchett describing adelaide to some kids in the hall. he was flinging his arms around to suggest bushy hair. "moved away," he said.

who moves away during winter break? gypsies. fugitives. people in witness protection. not adelaide osterman. wendy couldn't decided if she was ashamed for having thought adelaide'd offed herself, pissed at adelaide for not saying goodbye, or simply sorry their friendship had dissolved. a fourth option - that she envied adelaide for having escaped this ice-encrusted hell hole - didn't surface in wendy's mind, because girls like wendy didn't acknowledge envy. what she did know was that adelaide's being gone had thrown her off balance but she knew how to fix that. oh, yes, if there was one thing wendy knew, it was how to restore her precious balance.

30 January 2011

dislikes of you

i am not your marionette
when you say jump
i will not ask how high
i am not your do girl
when you beck
i will not answer the call
i am not your golem
you are not the boss of me
no one died and left you king
you don't tell me what to do
i don't answer to the likes of you
you are not my geppetto
when you say dance
i will not move my feet
you are not my solomon
when you command
i will not obey
you are not my frankenstein
you are not the boss of me
no one died and left you king
you don't tell me what to do
i don't answer to the likes of you

29 January 2011

seven not-chinese brothers

there were seven brothers who were handsome and charming, hardworking and modest, honest and noble and accomplished in every way. these seven brothers lived with only their mother because their father was dead, and they lived in a land where they didn't belong. it's a long story as to how they came to be in this land, but it became difficult to think about leaving, so they stayed.

the king was a cruel tyrant who took pleasure in tormenting the foreigners, and he decided one day to take his cruelty to new heights. he brought the foreigners together and told them that any of them who were willing to betray their beliefs by eating a certain forbidden food could live, but the rest would die.

the king spotted the seven brothers in the crowd, huddled around their mother, and he liked the looks of them. he decided he'd like to have these seven beautiful young men in his royal court so he called them over and told them that he liked both their good looks and the fact that there were exactly seven of them. he advised them to eat the forbidden food and come live with him at his palace. he promised them powerful positions if they'd turn their back on their ancestry.

so the choice was betray your beliefs and live a life of luxury in the royal court or hold onto your beliefs and be tortured to death. the king had his henchmen bring out the torture tools to show the brothers exactly what they'd be in for - racks and wheels, hooks and hammers, giant cooking pots, and grills filled with burning coals.

the king told the brothers that because he was compelling them through torture to betray their beliefs, that it didn't really count as betrayal and he was sure they'd be forgiven. you could tell by the way he said it the king didn't have any idea what he was talking about. but the brothers knew. they prefered to die honorably than to live dishonorably. they yelled out, all together, what are you waiting for?!

the king was furious. he commanded his guards to start with the oldest brother. they brought him forward, tore off his shirt, tied down his hands, and beat him until they were exausted. then, they put him on the wheel and stretched him until all his joints were dislocated. the evil guards built up the fire under this brother and stretched him tighter on the wheel until he was burning and his blood and guts were falling into the fire. but he held firm. he didn't cry out in pain - he just continued to yell at the king and condemn his injustice. he said, cut me! burn me! twist my joints! the virtue of my people is invincible! my brothers, fight the good fight!

and so he died.

then the king's henchmen found the next oldest brother and pulled him out of the crowd. they tied him to the rack and gave him a chance to eat the forbidden food, but he refused. so they started tearing him apart with hooks and they tore all his skin off including his scalp and he was bleeding out. but he held firm. he didn't cry out in pain - he just continued to yell at the king and condemn his injustice. he said, cut me! burn me! twist my joints! the virtue of my people is invincible! my brothers, fight the good fight!

and so he died.

the third oldest brother endured having his his hands and feet disjointed, having his arms and legs pulled from their sockets, having his fingers and arms and legs and elbows all broken. but all this breakage didn't break his spirit. the guards were so infuriated by his acceptance of these punishments that they tore his scalp off with their fingernails and immediately brought him to the wheel, and while his back was being broken on the wheel, he saw his own flesh torn all around and his blood pouring and his guts leaking out. but he held firm. he didn't cry out in pain - he just continued to yell at the king and condemn his injustice. he said, cut me! burn me! twist my joints! the virtue of my people is invincible! my brothers, fight the good fight!

and so he died.

so they dragged in the fourth, saying, obey the king! save yourself! but he said to them, you do not have a fire hot enough to scare me! and when the king heard this, he gave orders to cut out this brother's tongue, and so this brother who had once sung beautifully endured his torture in silence but soon enough his body gave out.

and so he died.

the fifth brother leapt up, eager to show his courage and uphold the virtue of his people. he refused to eat the forbidden food so the guards anchored him to the floor at his knees and twisted his back onto the wheel so that he was completely curled back like a scorpion. all his joints were torn apart. his body was completely broken and he could barely breathe. but he held firm. he didn't cry out in pain - he just continued to whisper to the king and condemn his injustice. he said, cut me. burn me. twist my joints. the virtue of my people is invincible. my brothers, fight the good fight.

and so he died.

now the sixth brother was a mere youth. the guards led him in and the king asked him if he'd eat the forbidden food. he refused so they strapped him to the wheel and carefully drew his small body out until he was stretched and broken. they built up the fire and roasted him. they heated skewers in the fire and pushed them through his body, piercing and burning his guts. but he held firm. he didn't cry out in pain - he just continued to yell at the king and condemn his injustice. he said, cut me! burn me! twist my joints! the virtue of my people is invincible! my brothers, fight the good fight!

and so he died.

the seventh brother was but a small boy. the king felt compassion for the child because he was in chains so the king tried to persuade him not to go the way of his brothers. the seventh brother asked to be let out of the chains, and the king was glad that at least one brother finally saw reason, so he ordered the child be unchained. as soon as he was freed, he ran to the nearest grill, turned and yelled, we are humans - just like you! we have feelings - just like you! you cut my brothers and burnt them! you twisted their joints while i was forced to watch! but the virtue of my people is invincible! my brothers fought the good fight - as do i!

and with those words, he leapt into the grill of hot coals.

and so he died.

28 January 2011


there is a bridge
but i cannot find it
and i stand here
and you stand there

when you look at it like this
look right here
the distance is not that far
but when you look at it another way
the distance
is immeasurable

there is a bridge
at least
there was a bridge
at least
i heard about a bridge
or maybe i dreamt it

and i stand here
and you stand there

27 January 2011


adelaide did not believe her mother when she said they were going to live somewhere that peaches grew in the wintertime. it was just ridiculous, the thought that peach trees would bloom in the snow. mama said it didn't snow there, either, and adelaide just laughed at that, but the further they drove, the hotter it got in the buick until adelaide couldn't stand it and rolled down the window a bit. "okay back there?" daddy asked. "yeah," replied adelaide, wondering how much farther before they got to this wonderland of winter peaches.

when daddy parked at the rest area, adelaide rolled up her window then swung out the car door and punched down the lock stem at the same time. it was a move she'd been practicing after she saw wendy o'rouke leave her boyfriend's car that same way. adelaide was practicing for the day she had a boyfriend of her own, a boy who'd drive her around and call her "addie" and carry her books. she wanted him to admire how she exited his car, to appreciate how she swung out gracefully but didn't get handprints on the window or the paint job. adelaide knew things like windows and paint were important to boys, just as sure as she knew that boys didn't notice short, four-eyed girls like her, just as sure as she knew that peach trees didn't bloom in winter, no matter what mama said.

as she let the car door shut and stepped to the sidewalk, that's when she saw them, right there in the strip of grass between the welcome center and the parking lot - a row of peach trees, in full bloom.

26 January 2011

i am telling you now

i would hold your soft hand
and touch your funny thumbnail
and laugh
i would put down my head
on your wide shoulder
and cry
i would sit in your lap
i would sit at your feet
i would sit by your side
i would walk with you
i would walk with you
i am telling you now
i would walk with you
if i could
if only
if only
i could
if only i could
then i would

25 January 2011

the state of the neighborhood

we went to eat at jason's [yes, i know you're amazed at our thinking outside the box] and i was in a dilemma. the manager [whom we know because we go there all the time] was like - «hey how are you?» and i was like - «i am in a dilemma.» he goes - «what's up?» and i am all - «i want to get the salad bar but i want something hot to eat.» so he goes - «have the soup & salad. get the salad bar and for 99¢ add a cup of soup.» aaaa-aaaa! angels sing! aaaa-aaaa!


as i was driving home from the supper de joy, i pulled in behind a touareg and thought "ha, probably driven by a pretentious affected yuppie". the touareg had a 195.5 oval sticker on the back and i considered inquiring of the occupants what is the meaning of 195.5, and so considering, i pulled up beside the car and peered across from driver to driver. there, face determinedly forward, sat the epitome of the pretentious affected yuppie. how do i know? i looked it up, pretentious affected yuppie, and there was a picture of her with her face determinedly forward and her warm cap pulled down just-so [underarmour, no doubt] and her fleece zipped up just-so [livestrong, no doubt] and her hands on the wheel just-so [volkswagen, we already know that part]. so i abandoned all hope of inquiring of her on any subject and focused on leaving her ass in the dust when the light turned green. sadly, i failed on the dusting because... it's raining! haha! yes, i completely left her BEEhind beeHIND!


i looked up 195.5 and the most likely answer is that it's the ragnar relay sticker. the ragnar. i was invited - that's RIGHT, i said invited - onto a ragnar team. yes, i was. was, too! WAS, TOO! okay, they were short several chicas and also at a 9:30m/m i would have been the fastest [yes, "-EST"] on the team. but the point is that i was gonna ragnarate, before i came up lame, and this pretentious affected yuppie DID ragnarate, ergo i heap on her my complete and utter scorn. by which of course i mean, i am envious as hell.

24 January 2011

pizza guy was like, "your pizza will be there in 45 minutes" but then he got here in like 25 mins so does that make him a liar? are his pants on fire?

this was the headline block on my homepage today. can you even see it?

firstly, that pic of ol' rahm is brilliant. "nobody tells rahm no!"

secondly, there's a wee tiny pic of jay cutler who was injured during the first half of the bears game yesterday and didn't play the second half and for that many folks took him to task, and this excoriation brought him to tears which in turn brought further scorn. roethlisberger was also brought to tears yesterday, but his tears were of joy whereas cutler's were of weakness, ergo roethlisberger's were deemed a-ok. but the important factor here is that both of these boys have giant noggins, bringing us to the inevitable conclusion that giant noggins go to sobbing under stress.

thirdly, i read that there as "deadly blast at cow airport". i am not cowpieing you. why would i read it that way? well, c'mon, it's me we're talking about here. so i read that there was a deadly blast at the cow airport and i wondered for a moment if that were like a mcdonald's airport that was attacked by those chick-fil-a cows. okay, see, that thought flashed thru my mind much more quickly than it takes to type it or even to read it. it's not like i considered it. jeez! it's not like i even thought about it at all. it just popped into my mind as a fully-formed thought, like viewing a picture. flash! cowsplosion! flash! cowuerrilla warfare! flash! and just like that the thought-picture was gone, but still, it was there for one brief shining moment.


so. i share that moment with you.

because that is what i do.

23 January 2011

books 2011

the things we do for love
[kristin hannah]

[angie sage]

22 January 2011

if you wanted to hold hands like that, why wouldn't you get into the same bath tub?

on our way home tonight a possum wandered across our path, so my old man slowed down the frontier until we were nearly stopped and all the slowing and nearly stopping took quite a while in driving time, like maybe 20 or so seconds and then right when maybe we were fixing to start going again bam! the SUV behind us ran into us. the teenage girl driver had apparently taken her eyes off the road (according to her mom who showed up after a little while). so the frontier now has a bashed bumper and broken tail light cover on the stern starbord. the SUV was a little worse off, with a broken front bumper and tail light hanging out like an eyeball out of a socket, just lolling there, connected by some ligaments and nerves. ew. anyway, the frontier's a bit bunged up and my old man was like - man, just got it fixed from the last time and now this! so, here's what i need to know: what the hell is he talking about? what "last time"? was i there?

21 January 2011

bird? worm? get it?

a handful of people stop by here each day for a looksee. just a handful. how do i know? well i have a sitemeter of course. did you think you were anonymous? ppfahahaha! the vast majority of people come here to find the pic of lowly worm. he's really an amazingly popular guy. most of the remainder come for one or another picture. the smallest slice of visitors come by to actually see what i have to say. i am not sure whether the small audience is a commentary on what i have to say (boring), the internets (way too full of boring blogs), or the reading public (not capable of knowing a good thing when they see it).

two people have me on their blogrolls and one is a poor lead-in, generating zero referral traffic. the other, though, is a jackpot of riches. and by jackpot i of course mean one or two people once or twice a week click over here from over there. i know what is happening. they are going there to see if there's anything new, which there too rarely is, and when they find nothing new there, they come over here for a bit of a consolation prize. that's fine. i will be your consolation prize. that is how pathetic i am.

boo hoo.

once in a blue moon, there is something new over there, when there is something new there, traffic always ticks up a bit here, too. it's not just the regulars stopping by, it's the folks who read her new stuff taking a chance to click on her blogroll and see what sorts of things she reads. these are audition days and they are of course the days i am at my most severely head-hits-table boring.

so i apologize to the regulars - today's an audition day. i'll try to make it up to you with a pic of the ever-popular mr worm.

20 January 2011

it is snowing.

today it started snowing around 3pm while i was at work and i realized that at home we were out of milk and bread. i am not shitting you. milk + bread = out. so on the way home i had to get some and i was feeling like a complete stereotype until i did a little research (by which of course i mean, went to the local publix) and learned milk and bread purchases in impending blizzards are passé. what the hell is wrong with you people? it! is! snow! ing! there was this one lady and her dottir and they were purchasing a cheesecake with cherry topping. probably to throw under their tires to get a little traction, so that is a sensible purchase. in the dairy department i saw this lady from the back and i was thinking, what a great blouse! only i didn't think "blouse" because that's just stupid. i thought, what a great long lacy cream coloured almost like a dress thing that hangs down over her jeans all totally cool and awesome. while i was thinking that i looked up and saw that her shopping partner was the young lady from smoothie king and i must have looked at her with recognition in my eyes because she was all, "hey hi" and i was all, "hey hi" and then i grabbed some milk and sort of skeedaddled before it became an actual convo because it would quickly become clear that we do not know each other. good thing i had the sense to grab some milk, though, because when i got home and looked in the fridge there was an unopened half-gallon in there and nothing says "blizzard safe" like mistakenly buying too much milk.

19 January 2011

when i go swimming, i am so cool, everybody wants to be me.

first i got there and the pool was all crowded with swim teamers and their moms were all over the bleachers and where am i supposed to put my stuff but finally i got a place for my stuff and sat there to put in my contacts and then i didn't have my glasses case and so i had to stash my glasses in my shoe and i hate that (and even after i got home i still didn't find my glasses case and i hate that too) and so then i was going to put on my goggles and boingoingoing the strap came out of the tiny little buckle and was all flapping around like they were kmart goggles or something but they are not kmart goggles and so i am trying to just sit there and not be too obvious that i am putting the goggles back together because these moms probably just snap their kids's goggles back together all the time and so they are all like omg what kind of a doofus cannot even fix her goggles hahaha and i am trying so hard to ignore their chatter which i know is all about me and my doofusness and finally i thankgod get the goggles back together and so then i put them on and just have to ignore they're too tight because i can't adjust them now forgodsake and finally i get in the pool to i swim my mile and i can hear the swim teamers the whole time hahaha what a slow swimmer hahaha what a loser and i swim and swim and swim and then finally i am done so i collect my stuff and i am all wet and trailing around the pool with my stuff half in half out of my too small bag just trailing around to get to the locker room and i can hear everyone hahaha what is she doing dragging around all her stuff like that hahaha but i go to the locker room and put some of my stuff in a locker #13 which omg why did i pick #13 and i don't have shower shoes but i head for the shower and i don't have shampoo and i don't even have a comb but thankgod i have some dry britches so i just rinse off in the warm water and thankgod my dry britches don't fall in the puddles so i get some clothes on and go back in the lockerroom to get on my other clothes and the whole place is crawling with high school swim teamers and they are all with the omg and the ikr and i am trying to half act like i am completely ignoring them but also half trying not to be that creepy old lady that is completely ignoring them and my long gym pants are sort of dragging in the puddles and i know i will not be able to get my feet dry so what is the point of even trying but i try anyway and guess who was right me with my wet feet inside my shoes but then i am wondering how do these kids get their feets dry or do they just not wear shoes and so now i am the eerily quiet creepy old lady who could not fix her goggles before she swam really slow like forever and now is staring at their feet with her uncombed hair all around her head so i just cram all my stuff in my bag and i leave as quickly as possible and thankgod that i did not slip in a puddle and i made it to the car without further incident.

18 January 2011


when there is a piece missing,
you can't finish the puzzle.
at least, not the way it was intended,
not the way it was designed.

you can put part of it together,
and that part will be whole,
but the whole of it together,
will wholly be a part.

when there is a piece missing,
you can't finish the puzzle.
at least, not the way it was intended,
not the way it was designed.

you can take the other pieces
and use them to build a model train station
or to decorate a planter
but you cannot make the picture on the puzzle box.

when there is a piece missing,
you can't finish the puzzle.
at least, not the way it was intended,
not the way it was designed.

you can call the puzzle company
and see if they will send you the missing piece
but probably they will tell you
to go buy another puzzle.

when there is a piece missing,
you can't finish the puzzle.
at least, not the way it was intended,
not the way it was designed.

you could take a piece
from another puzzle
and jam it in the empty spot
but then you have two incomplete puzzles and none complete.

when there is a piece missing,
you can't finish the puzzle.
at least, not the way it was intended,
not the way it was designed.

where do the pieces go?

17 January 2011

an incident of circle-drawing

in my junior high english class, we were required to memorize several poems. only a couple stuck with me and they're both appropriate for this day when we're specially focused on the hope for a world of peace & love. as hippy-dippy as it may sound, spending more time loving and less time hating really will make the world a better place. where to begin? with the kids. kids aren't born haters - adults teach them. hate is a sad legacy to leave your children.

this first poem is by countee cullen. i've edited it out of respect but i am sure you can figger it out. it just breaks my heart, poor sweet little boy on his trip to baltimore.

once riding in old baltimore,
heart filled, head filled with glee,
i saw a baltimorean
keep looking straight at me.

now i was eight and very small,
and he was no whit bigger,
and so i smiled, but he poked out
his tongue and called me, "n-----."

i saw the whole of baltimore
from may until december.
of all the things that happened there,
that's all that i remember.

[countee cullen was a bit of a mystery man who lived to be
only 43 years old.]

and this one by edwin markham explains in a few short words how to heal just such a situation. of course, you really can't expect an eight year old to do this. the poem has a simple sing-song nature, but it's really a note to grown ups.

he drew a circle to shut me out -
heretic, rebel, a thing to flout,
but love and i had the wit to win -
we drew a circle that took him in.

[edwin markham looks like he'd whip a heretic, not love one.]

16 January 2011

go bears! go jay cutler!

the average american eats 150lbs of white sugar per year. good lord. i don't add sugar to my food, so whereas i am sure there's a bunch of sugar already in my food, i would like to say that someone is eating a hella lotta sugar to take up my slack.

sugar.com would like to warn you to be aware that artificial sweeteners aren't organic and that sugar doesn't make you fat (eating too much food makes you fat). also, this: sugar does not turn normal children into hyperactive ones.

c'mon sugar.com. just because something is organic, this doesn't mean it's good for you. and, sure, sugar doesn't make you fat, but it's easy to consume a lot of calories in a small volume of sugary foods. i will grant you, sugar.com, that sugar doesn't turn normal kids into clinically hyperactive kids, but surgar does make normal kids hyper and hyperactive kids uncontrollable.

15 January 2011

hockey talk

we've been to a couple hockey games this season, which is a couple more than we usually go to. it's not that we don't like hockey, we just don't usually think about going. we like sports and we watch a lot of sports on teevee, but we don't have season tickets to any sports. anyway, that's not really the point. the point is - hockey.

hockey is graceful and powerful at the same time. the graceful part is big strong men skating fast, backwards, who stop on a dime and change direction. sometimes the way they are skating together makes it look like a choreographed piece. srsly. in soccer, we call it jockeying on defense - moving backwards, switching weight from side to side, staying between your man and the goal. i don't know what they call it in hockey but it's the same thing only really fast and smooth and with two guys moving the same way at the same time, it looks like a couples skate.

then they cram their opponent into the wall and jerk off his helmet and sock him in the face. that's the powerful part. hah! of course fighting is not the only powerful part. the superfast skating and the slapshots are certainly powerful.

one of the really interesting things to me is how the players move when they are basically sprinting down the ice holding their sticks. watch sometime and you'll see that the way their upper bodies move makes their hands turn over so the stick flashes back-front-back-front. then think about a relay runner holding a baton - it's a totally different motion. a runner's arms pump up & down, a hockey player's side to side. that completely fascinates me and i really need to know that you GET THIS. tell me you GET THIS!

14 January 2011

here we are at the end of another grueling 4-day work week.

The Stoics had a very dim view of the ability of the individual to change his life. The best that the individual can do is understand the unchangeable aspects of his nature and Nature at large and live according to them. This idea of living in accord with yourself is a humble one, and it lies at the core of Stoic philosophy. The self that Scout alludes to, then, is not some independently free will that invents itself and has only itself to blame for its sins. The Stoic self is a natural self, the self given to you by nature, that has its own form and purpose. The key to life is not to transform that self, but to live according to it. Harmony being the key concept.

well, what do you know. i am a stoic.

this description was written by jeff, who will sometimes post comments here, so if you want to know more about jeff or see more of the original post by scout that he references, well you can just toodle on down the page here and find some comment by jeff and follow the link to his blog. you are a big kid. you can handle it.

anyway, back to this description of stoicism that i find so appealing. seems that according to this, life is not a journey of self-evolution, but rather, it is a journey of self-discovery. the more i know about ace, the very essense of ace, "ace-ness" if you will, the better i can harmonize the existence of ace with the greater existence of all mankind, animalkind, florakind, earth, wind, fire, et cetera and so for and so on. i am not tasked with continually reinventing myself. i am tasked with discovering my true nature and also discovering the true nature of existence and then attempting to harmonize the two? or live in harmony with the two?

not clear on that point exactly, but this idea of harmony with self and with the greater is in keeping with what i was saying about talent the other day - that my talent is part of who i am and it is my talent that drives me and starves me and pushes me and feeds me. my talent is both my quest and my reward. my talent is in me, it is me, and the more time i spend discovering my talent and honing it, the more i am living in harmony with my true self, the better steward and master of my talent i will become.

people get so obsessed with constant reinvention, rebirth, reincarnation, always reaching outward, outward, outward - wanting to discover who they are by measuring against the sticks of the world. but the world doesn't determine who we are, and we don't determine who we are. disappointed? why? you are who you are. stop trying to make yourself over, and instead try getting to know yourself. ah, see? there's the problem. we're all full of these black pits of ooze that we'd rather smooth over with a nice 12-step program and membership to the Y.

get over yourself. embrace the ooze.

13 January 2011

zork? dork.

tonight on big bang theory sheldon was playing a text based computer game, probably zork. i googled it and learned you can download zork and install it on your pc or mac - right now today. i almost downloaded the zip file but then i was like, what the hell are you doing ace? downloading a zip executable from an unknown source? gonna just pop it open there on the ol' netbook? why'nt you just throw the computer down the stairs and give it a quick death instead of making it suffer with a virus?

back in the day we had some sort of text based game on the trs-80. zork, colossal cave, something. probably zork. anyway, the point is that i played it once, didn't finish the round, and found it both boring and complicated - a bad combination. would i find it more fun now? doubtful. it's not like i was thinking, hey - i would sure like to play a round of zork! no. i saw sheldon playing it and i was all, hey - i would sure like to be like sheldon!

who needs zork to bolster your dork quotient, when you have sheldon-envy?

12 January 2011

light the corners of my mind

life is not made up of discrete, snapshot-flat occurrences. life is a series of interrelated, complex experiences that combine concrete events with how you feel about those events to create memories. but once they're formed, memories don't just sit there waiting to be remembered, they morph and drift. high school graduation is simultaneously yesterday and years ago. all the games of pente you played in junior high are melded into one. that one night in college when you wandered for hours under snow-orange skies overshadows months and months of other nights.

did you ever think about something so much - remember it so purposefully - that you reach that point where you don't think about it at all anymore? it becomes a piece of you, a reality absorbed into your very essence. it is The Way Things Are. you so deeply ingest it, so completely process it, so absolutely accept it that you don't even notice it while you are moving around your day, don't even see it is there and with a trick of the mind, the ultimate irony -- you hold onto it so tightly that you squeeze it right out of your grasp. you remember it so well that you forget it altogether until you walk right into it and break your toe against the solid granite truth of it and you're reminded again that things will never be the same again.

like, maybe this weekend you'll see if speedy wants to hit the trails for a snowy run and then you walk right into the fact that speedy lives 800 miles away now. ouch! or, you'll go out to the old homeplace and see if you can find that electric football game and you smack into the granite of not knowing who lives there now. ouch! or, you're reading your emails and one's really funny and you know who would laugh at it and you're fixing to send it to her when you crash into remembering they don't get emails in heaven, or, you know, where ever she is hanging out these days. ouch.


so maybe you broke the toe of your soul or maybe you just bruised it or maybe it's not even bruised but merely scraped. whatever. it's gonna hurt for a few minutes or a few days but it's eventually gonna quit hurting again, just like it has quit before, and you'll be skipping around soon enough, oblivious, well on your way to running into one of those walls. again.

11 January 2011


today is ace day.

10 January 2011

this is not the snowy day mr keats wrote about.

today was a snow day. starbux is a complete mess. there have clearly been kids here all day. my old man was going to work out so i was all like, hey you can drop me at the bux, and i thought i'd relax here a while, maybe blog a bit. so i got my tea and a bagel and i settled down and then the bux guy goes - due to the weather we are closing in 1/2 hour. c'mon! really?! i just got my tea, you wanker! you could have said something then, could you not? the weather?? what a bunch of wusses. i was planning to be here at least an hour and so now what? i am trying to get hold of the man, but as he is working out, that is proving to be a problem.

starbux = idiots. they WILL hear from me.

09 January 2011

cloudy with a chance of snowmageddon

it's supposed to snow tonight & tomorrow and around here, snow just shuts everything completely down - not because we are wusses but because we don't have the appropriate equipment to clear it away because it snows rarely so all that equipment would be a poor investment. so there's a chance i won't be able to get out of the driveway tomorrow so i drove up to work today to collect some work so in case of snow i can work from home. no, i don't think i could just take a snow day. no, i have no idea why i am compelled thusly.

08 January 2011

go back to bed!

it's common knowledge that turkey contains tryptophan which is a substance that promotes sleep. did you know that bananas also contain tryptophan, plus magnesium and potassium? magnesium and potassium are natural muscle relaxers which probably explains a bit about why bananas are good to eat after a hard workout.

here are some other foods that promote sleep and their sleep-promoting ingredients.

almonds - magnesium
green tea - theanine
miso soup - melatonin-boosting amino acids
dairy products - tryptophan plus calcium
oatmeal - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, and potassium
eggs - protein
edamame - natural estrogen-like compounds
cherries - melatonin-boosting ingredients

so, a small bowl of oatmeal with milk, almonds, and dried cherries, accompanied by an egg and cup of green tea is a snack that will help you sleep.

too bad this describes breakfast.

07 January 2011

66666 happened on the freeway and by the time i came to a stop it was 66667. for the record, driving backwards does not reduce the odometer reading.

06 January 2011

¿que hora es?

so i went to that thing at the place with those people and it was about what you'd expect so after an hour i was ready to go so here's what i did - i left - and nobody was all "c'mon ace, don't go!" which was good because i wanted to go but also bad because you know how even if you really want to leave you also want somebody to want you to stay, but they didn't i guess, which is fine, or maybe they were like - hey more food for us! - or maybe it's because if i ever show up at all i never stay for long so the ace endurance barre is set low, and hey now, by ace endurance are we talking 'bout how long ace can endure, or how long ace can be endured?

05 January 2011

is supper ready yet?

there is a recurring discussion in the running community about rewards such as medals and "plastic trophies", and it's a bit of a point of honor to say that the measly trophies from local road races are unimportant. maybe not so much with marathon medals, but even those aren't generally esteemed highly. at least, not out loud.

as is so often the case with recognition, those who are vocal about dissing the trophies are the folks who have quite a few of them. it's easy to say something is meaningless when it's meaningless to you, and i'm certain i am not the only one to whom the plastic trophies are NOT meaningless. i worked, i achieved, i earned, i succeeded. and, i keep quiet for fear of looking the fool.

trophies in general are devalued these days because too friggin many have been handed out to this generation of kids. i came up in the last generation not to get trophies for every freaking thing and as a consequence, trophies are both meaningful and rare to me. so rare that of all the tokens of recognition that i have, i do not have a single trophy, and so meaningful that i still covet the little golden plastic statues. yeah, i have $5. i can go buy me one. but, that's not the POINT, is it now?

there's really nothing about my running that could be attributed to talent. not to say that i work particularly hard or that i do not enjoy running. no. that's not it at all. it's mostly the opposite - i flitter around, just playing not working, and i enjoy the hell out of it. but when i do decide to set my sights, then i have to work harder to achieve a lesser goal than would someone with talent.

my talent is brains and my academic medals are for actual achievement where my running medals are frequently mere tokens of participation, but my academic medals are not displayed alongside my running medals. i'm not sure i can explain the dynamic. it's not that i didn't work hard for the academic wins. i worked very hard, harder than folks would like to believe. people like to think all those As come easy, that i'm just naturally smart, that i am doing something they could never do because i have this gift.

it's not that i didn't work hard - it's that i would have worked hard anyway. i worked hard in order to win, and the reward for the win was the winning itself, not the medal. it's a bit like that with running, too, i'd wager. sure, that fast guy works hard, but it comes easy for him. not that the work isn't hard, but it's work he would have done anyway because that is where his talent lies. it's like having a calling or a true love. and, so, to the fast guy the reward for the win is the winning itself, not the medal.

the trick in our own lives is to recognize our talents, cherish and not squander them, work hard to develop them, but all the while remain open to the extra patches of joy that are available in the things that we're not particularly talented in.

04 January 2011

8000 words, plus

if you look closely you'll see that one at the top reads "sparkle", not "spackle". what kind of an idiot thinks a christmas tag reads "spackle"? probably YOU!

look. a special card for a special person. all eight of them.

this is the logo for the olympics to be held in rio in... what year? you can figure that one out. there's some sort of controversy about this logo being a reminiscent of another logo of some non-profit agency in like spokane or someplace but if you will observe you will see that it is reminiscent of not a logo, but rather, quite simply, of a weenus.

this morning when i logged into the internet this was on my home screen. it took me a few moments to recover from the panic that the country's financial structure had given way. IT'S AN AD. sheesh.

because the house is in a disarray, we've been dining out at breakfast. cracker barrel has this cranberry orange muffin encrusted with pecans and toasted oatmeal. it is probably the single unhealthiest thing on the menu besides the gravy. however. it's delicious. so i have been ordering the muffin breakfast with the muffin in a box, and then i have the muffin for lunch. the muffin for lunch with my other lunch? no. nothing else. the muffin will suffice. if you look closely here, you will see the letter "n" is wearing a tiny oatmeal hat.

someone put this picture in the restroom at work. is it a decoration? is it for sale? is it an art show? thoughts? anyone?

when i first saw this i thought it was hilarious. "their toothbrush"! hahaha! as if your family has only one tb between them. haha. ha. yeah, i am tired of it already. now you get to be tired of it, too.

and, last but definitely not least, this is an example of the kind of gift you would receive if the person you lived with found you as fascinating as the person i live with finds me. or, you know, something along those lines.

03 January 2011

don't hold your breath.

this woman in illinois had twins and one was born on 31 dec 2010 and the other was born 1 jan 2011. one is the perfect tax credit and one is the perfect tax burden. a complete portrait of life in two little lives. some days it's all good and some days it's just all hood.

02 January 2011

ode to the day, redux

today i did not go for a walk.

01 January 2011

ode to the day

the afternoon typifies early winter around these parts. it's chilly but not cold, temps hovering around 50º, no wind. a cloud ceiling hangs low and steely grey but gentle - the storm it holds is not today's.

i put on my new pink princess mittens, my old swatch sweatshirt, my new adidas pants, my old new balance trainers, and go outside into this weather that is my favorite, my precious. this weather that i cherish, that i wait all year for. if weather were children, this is the one i would spoil.

crossing the neighbor's yard feels a bit of a trespass and i think about when we were kids and we didn't know about boundary lines.

devoid of actual puddles, the blacktop is a patchwork of wet + dry, light + dark, its slumping shoulders sloppy with mud from last night's thunderstorm. the run-off from that storm gurgles in the culvert. cold-worn squirrels move slowly among the tall trees and occassional thickets of this older neighborhood.

i wave at folks who are inside cars as they pass and i smell woodsmoke caused by folks who are inside houses playing with fireplaces. people around here don't really use wood to heat their houses. college kids on holiday have caused driveway overflow. parked in the yards and streets, old jeeps and hand-me-down camrys sport new stickers that proclaim future alma maters, recently-pledged greek affiliations, authorization to Park On Campus.

the world is muffled and distant. i could walk for miles and miles and miles.

and miles.