bird? worm? get it?
a handful of people stop by here each day for a looksee. just a handful. how do i know? well i have a sitemeter of course. did you think you were anonymous? ppfahahaha! the vast majority of people come here to find the pic of lowly worm. he's really an amazingly popular guy. most of the remainder come for one or another picture. the smallest slice of visitors come by to actually see what i have to say. i am not sure whether the small audience is a commentary on what i have to say (boring), the internets (way too full of boring blogs), or the reading public (not capable of knowing a good thing when they see it).
two people have me on their blogrolls and one is a poor lead-in, generating zero referral traffic. the other, though, is a jackpot of riches. and by jackpot i of course mean one or two people once or twice a week click over here from over there. i know what is happening. they are going there to see if there's anything new, which there too rarely is, and when they find nothing new there, they come over here for a bit of a consolation prize. that's fine. i will be your consolation prize. that is how pathetic i am.
boo hoo.
once in a blue moon, there is something new over there, when there is something new there, traffic always ticks up a bit here, too. it's not just the regulars stopping by, it's the folks who read her new stuff taking a chance to click on her blogroll and see what sorts of things she reads. these are audition days and they are of course the days i am at my most severely head-hits-table boring.
so i apologize to the regulars - today's an audition day. i'll try to make it up to you with a pic of the ever-popular mr worm.
Not long ago, some random person said to me: "So, that's interesting. That Porch Light Blog thing. He's funny."
well, now. that's very sweet.
You can be removed from the blogroll, ingrate.
hey, now. you're the conan to my leno.
or, something like that.
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