16 January 2011

go bears! go jay cutler!

the average american eats 150lbs of white sugar per year. good lord. i don't add sugar to my food, so whereas i am sure there's a bunch of sugar already in my food, i would like to say that someone is eating a hella lotta sugar to take up my slack.

sugar.com would like to warn you to be aware that artificial sweeteners aren't organic and that sugar doesn't make you fat (eating too much food makes you fat). also, this: sugar does not turn normal children into hyperactive ones.

c'mon sugar.com. just because something is organic, this doesn't mean it's good for you. and, sure, sugar doesn't make you fat, but it's easy to consume a lot of calories in a small volume of sugary foods. i will grant you, sugar.com, that sugar doesn't turn normal kids into clinically hyperactive kids, but surgar does make normal kids hyper and hyperactive kids uncontrollable.


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