08 January 2011

go back to bed!

it's common knowledge that turkey contains tryptophan which is a substance that promotes sleep. did you know that bananas also contain tryptophan, plus magnesium and potassium? magnesium and potassium are natural muscle relaxers which probably explains a bit about why bananas are good to eat after a hard workout.

here are some other foods that promote sleep and their sleep-promoting ingredients.

almonds - magnesium
green tea - theanine
miso soup - melatonin-boosting amino acids
dairy products - tryptophan plus calcium
oatmeal - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, and potassium
eggs - protein
edamame - natural estrogen-like compounds
cherries - melatonin-boosting ingredients

so, a small bowl of oatmeal with milk, almonds, and dried cherries, accompanied by an egg and cup of green tea is a snack that will help you sleep.

too bad this describes breakfast.


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