31 December 2011

under an orange sky

it was cold then
and the air was full of snow then
and seamless clouds reflected orange city lights
and made a violent sky
on a violent night

we were in love then
and hope flew round like doves then
and seamless paths bisected a future clear & bright
and made us make a choice
on a violent night

it wasn't that we thought it was the only thing to do
it wasn't that we didn't see the ending coming through
it wasn't like we would have stayed together anyway
what's done is done and in the past of who we are today

but we were in love then
under an orange sky

30 December 2011

that dress is made of tulle.

it wasn't something that bothered her like it would bother other people. i mean, to be bothered by something, you have to understand that it is bothersome, if you see what i am saying. to know discomfort, you would have had to have known comfort at some point. it's all relative, i guess is what i am saying. the bottom line is that never having had a chance, she just didn't know any better.

29 December 2011

you heard it here first

a few years back, i decided to run 2000 miles in one year. it's not as random as you might think, but i can see how you'd think that. so, how did it go, ace? well, i will tell you. it got off to a great start. GREAT. i was running once, twice a day. running. running. more running. woowoo!

then, it was like, hey... my ankle is a wee bit sore while i am running, and then it was really sore while i was running, and then it was hurting even when i wasn't running, and then i couldn't exactly "walk" on it, you know, exactly. but was i still running? you betcha! i diagnosed tendinitis and went to the orthopaedist, who is also a doctor to the local professional hockey team, so i knew he'd understand the class of athlete that i most certainly am.

he took an x-ray and discovered that i did not, in fact, have tendinitis. i did, in fact, have a fractured distal tibia. that would be 'broken ankle' to you layfolks. he pointed to the x-ray picture and said "here's the crack and here's where it's about to go all the way through the bone" and i said "so, i can still run, right?" he just looked at me, then he left the room and found the hugest stabilization boot and a pair of crutchers. he said "no weight bearing for six weeks".

therein ends the tale of my 2000 miles.

this and that and the other. years go by. what now? well, i certainly cannot run 2000 miles in 2012. that's just crazy talk and would simply be setting myself up for disappointment. do i hear 1800? 1500? 1283? no. no. no! 1000. i can agree to 1000. and, by the way, it'll be 1000 self-ambulated miles - run, walk, hop, skip, crawl, cartwheel, et cetera and so on and so forth. focusing solely on running will crush my serendipitous spirit.

so here's the PLAN for next year -- the GOAL if you will -- at least 1000 self-propelled miles.

you heard it here first -- 1000 miles in 2012.


28 December 2011

you heard it here first

looking back over last year's booklist and seeing the lifeguard manual reminded me that i did, in fact, become a lifeguard last year. good on me! during the class, i was doing a lot of swimming for the class itself and also just because i happened to be at the pool, i would do a few laps. back in the day, at brigadoon, we did a buttload of laps for the lifesaving certification and also any advanced swimming class did miles of laps. we had a big red cross sponsored lap tracking poster on the dining hall bulletin board where anyone could put their name and then "x" out the little boxes indicated miles swum. it was hugely competitive and therefore is of course verboten these days. don't want to make little susie sinks-a-lot feel she's not as good as susie swims-a-lot. forget that miss swims-a-lot doesn't get a chance to feel good about herself.

but i digress.

last year i went swimming. so, i think it's reasonable to expect that i could do that again this year. i like swimming, and it's good for me. how could i go wrong? it requires wardrobe changes and driving to the natatorium, but let's not turn our blessings into causes for complaint, shall we not now?

i thought maybe a good goal would be "go swimming once per month" but the problem with a monthly goal is that if i don't go in january, i'm just screwed right off the bat and have to trash the entire goal.

i've decided on "go swimming 10 times in 2012". no mileage goal, no timeinthewater goal, no calendar constraint. just a simple commitment to go swimming 10 times. easy peasy. i will hopefully get this done before 20 december, so that i can avoid going swimming 10 days in a row... so here's the PLAN for next year -- the GOAL if you will -- at least 10 swimming sessions.

you heard it here first -- 10 swimming sessions in 2012.


27 December 2011

you heard it here first

24 books this year, an even 2 per month. not a bad total, but only 2 non-fiction, disappearing spoon and the lifeguard manual. i'd like to read more non-fiction, and i'm fairly certain that's something i can make happen. if only i can find non-fiction books....

okay, srsly. non-fiction. disappearing spoon was actually quite good -- informative and intriguing, easy to read and educational, fun and facts. but it was over 300 pages which is a long time to stay focused. and i thought i could read two things at the same time, with DS being one of them, but i kept favoring the "other" until i simply had to quit the others and focus. that's twice i've said focus here, and there's no surer buzzkill than focus.

i read for fun, for leisure, and focus doesn't really go with leisure, but on the other hand... i don't want my brain turning to complete moosh. brains need exercise just like bodies need exercise, so here's the PLAN for next year -- the GOAL if you will -- at least 750 pages non-fiction.

you heard it here first -- 750 pages non-fiction in 2012.


books 2011


the disappearing spoon
[sam kean]
the language of bees
[laurie r. king]
the god of the hive
[laurie r. king]
flash and bones
[kathy reichs]
jane eyre
[charlotte brontë]
[jk rowling]
[jk rowling]
[jk rowling]
[jk rowling]
[jk rowling]
[jk rowling]
[jk rowling]
the yiddish policemen's union
[michael chabon]
american gods
[neil gaiman]
land of a hundred wonders
[lesley kagen]
swim to me
[betsy carter]
princess academy
[shannon hale]
the angels game
[carlos ruiz zafon]
they almost always come home
[christina ruchti]
lifeguard training manual
[red cross]
the broker
[john grisham]
[angie sage]
the things we do for love
[kristin hannah]
[angie sage]

26 December 2011

it's possible i've been a bit hasty.

it's not so much that i'm the jump-to-conclusions type as that i am simply INTJ. i have what you'd call a high need for closure. dithering doesn't so much make me crazy as cause to arise in me a need to calmly, and with complete sanity, disembowel you. my old man is a bit of a ditherer, which he's wisely learned to keep to himself. well, mostly. i think that crap he pulls about supper decisions is intended simply to mess with me. well, mostly.

at any rate, i do not tend to jump to conclusions. rather, i consider the options quickly and i decide quickly. it could look like a jump from the outside, i suppose, but on the inside, it's merely a decision. and, it's decisive - a decisive decision. consider, decide, act, move on. ask forgiveness, not permission. sure, i have regrets -- i am human, after all (big surprise, haha) -- but it's not like you can know going in what'll work and what won't. not exactly, anyway. the vast majority of the time, all things ARE equal, and either path in the woods is as good as the other. just pick one and go.

so you'd think i'd be a big fan of goals, as goal-paths preclude other paths and reduce decision-making to virtually non-existent. i guess one factor in my refusal to set goals is that i enjoy making decisions. obviously it doesn't bother me, or i wouldn't set myself up to be doing it all the time. but, another factor is that if i don't have goals, i cannot very well fail to meet them, now can i?

doesn't really take a rocket scientist to figure that one out, does it now. all my merry talk about goals being societal constraints and how i need to be free like a bee to catch the serendipity breeze when it blows on by... well, that's all really very thin disguise for a fear of failure. a robust and tanned serendipitous existence is much more appealing than a weak and pasty fear of failure.

it's not that fear isn't justified. i don't live in boston, do i? i am not a journalist, nor do i own a BMW, although i think those two might be mutually exclusive anyway. i have never run 2000 miles in a year. i have never been to paris. instead, i live where i live and i drive what i drive and i do what i do. so things didn't work out over and over again. and, over again. and, again.

but, i am more than content, i am truly happy and fulfilled in a way that i am not sure would even be possible down those other paths. so, see, that's where the idea comes from that setting goals precludes happiness. a stubborn refusal to let go any of those dreams or goals would have landed me somewhere that i would not have all this that i do have, all this that completes me. see? goals are bad! goals are antithetical to fulfillment!


i am beginning to think i can reach a middle ground somewhere. a place where there are goals, stretches, a path to growth... a place where those things are, but where also there is a flexibility, a posture of listening for opportunity, an openness to serendipity.

24 December 2011

three wise men

one of my coworkers is brilliant. he is smart enough to realize there are a lot of things he doesn't know but wise enough to kindly explain those he does. and, he gets my jokes. he believes that a couple thousand years ago a junior high school aged virgin girl gave birth to a baby boy, which baby was conceived by an act of the supreme creator and was designed & destined to die by sacrifice thereby becoming the saviour of the world. what a tale, eh? how could a brilliant man believe such a thing.

i know another equally brilliant man who demonstrates his brilliance in the same manner as this first - he asks when he doesn't know, he patiently explains when he does, and he laughs at all the right moments. he believes that although this very same supreme creator could have, and in fact plans to, do the very thing [or something quite close thereto] that the first man believes... this man believes the supreme creator has not done so quite yet. he has an equal belief in this wildly impossible tale, the only difference being he sees it as a tale of the future, not of the past. what a tale, eh? how could a brilliant man believe such a thing.

i know another man of brilliance equal to that of these first two. his curiousity drives him to avidly seek knowledge he doesn't yet have and his compassion drives him to gently share that which he already possesses, and, of course, he understands my humour. this man doesn't believe at all what the first two believe. this man believes in neither creator nor creation, in neither father nor son, in neither story - past nor future. this man believes in the tale of the present, told in the actions of his fellowman. what a tale, eh? how could a brilliant man believe such a thing.

to my mind, the tale of no tale at all is the most wild tale of all. why? oh, sure, it's to do with the way i was brought up, with things i learned in childhood, yes, sure. but, because i believe what i believe, i believe human minds are made a certain way to be opened a certain way at a certain time and that what goes into the mindvessel at that certain time, that specific time that the mind is opened in a specific way... that very knowledge becomes the core, that very knowledge goes past knowledge that is held and looked at and known with the mind, and becomes knowledge that simply IS.

do i believe in this certain-time tale because my mind was given this belief at this specific time... making the certain-time tale in fact true? or, is this belief in the tale because of the tale a sort of doubling-back, a sort of building the tale on itself. if i had been given another belief at the certain-time, i would hold true something else... if i had been told, at the certain-time, a tale contrary to the certain-time tale, then i would not believe the certain-time tale, and my disbelief in the certain-time tale would be precisely due to the certain-time tale's being true.

but, i digress.

three men of equal intellect hold to be true three divergent belief systems. is one correct and the others alltogether wrong, or is there perhaps another system of belief that is outside these three and instead of excluding any, it includes them all.

23 December 2011

in wintertime, they sleep.

bees live in hives
all their wee short lives.

bees make sweet honey
but don't get any money.

bees buzz around
to fly above the ground.

bees visit flowers
for hours and hours and hours.

bees will give a sting
to anyone who gets in their way.

cause they're busy.

22 December 2011

i mean, it's robert downey, jr. what more do you need?

we went to see the new sherlock holmes movie last night and contrary to the findings of all the professional reviewers, we found it highly entertaining. the costumes and sets were flawless, the action spectacular, the dialog sparkling, the characters amusing. don't tell the professional, but they don't know what they are talking about. these sherlock holmes movies seriously make 1891 look like THE place to be - 1891 in a gypsy camp, or on a half-blown-up train, or below the stage at the opera. even the dirty street urchins are dirty in a cute way.

20 December 2011

bourbon & cedar & soap on a rope - season of light, season of hope

....lights - decorations - boiled custard - russell stovers - oranges - nuts in the shell - candy canes - santas lap - bourbon - fanny battle - cheese ball - sugar cookie - gift wrap - curlie ribbon - paper fill - brown packages - UPS shipping....

back in the day, there wasn't a UPS store in every strip mall. there wasn't package pick-up at your door. there wasn't "if it fits it ships for one low price". there wasn't free shipping at the dot-com, mostly because there wasn't a dot-com to speak of. back in the day, if you wanted to ship holiday gifts, you went to the UPS shipping location in a light-industrial office park out by the airport. every year, we'd trek out there to ship gifts across the country to cousins i knew by name only. every year, we'd get lost. every year. every single year.

how often did we do that, really? memory is such a funny thing. it was at least twice, probably three times, but was it more than that? i don't know. probably other people went in later years and i just stayed home.

it was fun and funny and we had a good time. we would sing carols and drive around miles of office parks while she searched for the UPS. i mean, i guess she was looking. if she wasn't looking, who was? certainly not me. i was just a kid for crissakes.

....spice round - lite brite - advent candle - advent calendar - cedar tree - name ornaments - chanel no. 5 - grape jelly and scrambled eggs - bubble yum - madam alexander - new jeans - add a pearl - sleeping bags....

19 December 2011

pluswise, i could kick your ass at words with friends.

12 drummers drumming
11 pipers piping
10 lords a'leaping
9 ladies dancing
8 maids a'milking
7 swans a'swimming
6 geese a'laying
5 golden rings
4 calling birds
3 french hens
2 turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree

i had to look it up, but i only forgot the geese and just had the drummers and the pipers transversed. i'd say my memory is fairly solid. scrabble, sudoku, crossword puzzles -- all recommended for keeping the ol' grey matter in tip-top condition and all part of my daily routine. ...okay, i just lied a little bit right there. i play a ton of words with friends, and i have sudoku for the nintendo-ds which i play... well... sometimes, and i have a crossword puzzle book right here... in a box... where it's been for several months. but that's not the point! the point is that i do something specifically to strengthen my brain every day. brain-xercises. in return for all the brain-xercising, i can recite christmas carols from memory. who can't see the value in THAT?

18 December 2011

my 2000th day

and then he said, "We might, for example, set a goal of blogging once a day just in case, serendipitously, something beautiful strikes us that day."

a goal is an end-point, a place you want to be. olympic speed skater is a goal. olymic gold medal winning speed skater is a goal. straight-A student. college graduate. entrepreneurial restaurateur. daily blogger. a goal is a level, an accomplishment, a milestone. a goal is concrete and measurable.

"my goal is to be a good mother." see, that's meaningless. there's no way to measure that. what is good mothering and how do we know if she's gotten there? while not getting into the myriad and controversial definitions of good mothering, let's just look at the difference between "my goal is to be a good mother" and "my goal is to have my kids at school on time every day". a goal must be quantifiable.

what else? the goal of getting the kiddos to school on time is fairly basic. the goal of getting your child into harvard by the time he's 8 is unattainable, the bar is too high. the goal of not beating your children daily is ridiculous because it should be a given, the bar is too low. a goal must be attainable yet challenging.

quantifiable, attainable, challenging goals are steps on the path to personal growth. however...

modern society is obsessed with goals. where do you see youself in five years? what is the next promotion you're working towards? when do you plan to retire and how will you fund your retirement? when you graduate high school, are you going on to college, and if so where, and what will you major in, and when will you graduate, and what job will you seek?


the problem with goals is that they shut down opportunity. when you're on that path in the woods, and you come to that fork, if you're too focused on your goal, you might not even see the fork. if you see the fork, the choice, maybe you'll take it and maybe you won't, but how can you live a rich life if you don't even see the fork at all?

the value of goals is that if the allure is strong enough, you will keep your eyes on the prize and not be distracted by every pretty shiney thing you see. if you are on a strong goal-path, decisions fall away because you always choose the goal-path.

i like to imagine i live serendipitously, open to opportunity, unfettered by goals. i know it's not completely true. i have a goal to be faithful to my old man, a goal to retain job security, a goal to maintain my health. these goal-paths preclude other paths, sure, i can see that. but who would want to go down those useless paths anyway??

17 December 2011

fresh dead air

i am fascinated by dead air. it rarely happens anymore because radio stations, like everything else, are nearly completely automated. one song just clicks right into another from a satellite feed. even if you personally do not have satellite radio, chances are you're listening to radio via satellite.

off-the-air can happen through mechanical failure of some sort, such as a lightning strike to the radio transmitter, or perhaps these days a computer glitch will knock a station off the air. when you are off the air, it means you cannot transmit for whatever reason.

dead air is different. dead air is on-the-air silence. you CAN transmit, in fact, you ARE transmitting, but what you are transmitting is silence. dead air is generally caused by human failure. specifically, the dj is not present in the booth at a crucial moment -- when a song is over, when the commercial finishes, when the handoff comes from the network station.

last night i was listening to NPR. it was 19:00 and the news update that runs before 'fresh air' was running. blah blah blah news news.... then the newsreader clearly finished. i don't remember precisely, but i know he definitely gave a sign-off of some sort because i mentally tuned back in for the brief local news that runs after the national update and before terri gross takes over. it was 19:06 when he signed off. and... that was it. we fell into dead air.

i'm imagining the local guy isn't in the booth because he's off having some gastrointestinal disorder in the station's restroom where there are speakers casting the station's programming, and he's in there listening to the national news, wishing his guts would hurry up and sort themselves, knowing what's about to happen... and then he hears it: nothing. dead air!

i'm thinking that's pretty funny and that 'fresh air' will pick up again at 19:10 but 19:10 comes and goes with no 'fresh air'. huh. i kept listening, but eventually i was home and it was 19:17 and still nothing. so that's 11 mins and counting, but as fascinated as i am with dead air, it's exceedingly difficult to explain to anyone why i would sit in the garage and listen to it. i mean, i know that YOU understand, but i am talking about the rest of the world.

so i switched off the car and left the dead air to its own devices. this morning when i switched on the poor little bunged-up slingshot, click & clack were merrily cackling over some odd woman's fuel pump. sometime in the night, the dead air had been resolved.

wished i'd been there to hear them come back on.

16 December 2011

serendipity in a world of convergence

skip a rock
skip a payment
skip it
skip it
to my lou

skip a rock
skip a payment
skip it
skip it
to my lou

if someone told you something
told you something
something new

would you be better off for knowing
knowing something
someone knew

skip a rock
skip a payment
skip it
skip it
to my lou

if you never heard the story
someone told
told on you

would you be better off not knowing
knowing something
someone knew

skip a rock
skip a payment
skip it
skip it
to my lou

skip a rock
skip a payment
skip it
skip it
to my lou

15 December 2011

rubber baby buggy bumpers

remember what i was saying the other day about the wax in my ear? wells, i got this box of stuff called 'murine ear wax removal system' which sounds like it would have gears and pulleys and shit, but it's just some drops and one of those blue baby booger bulbs. i'm fairly certain you know what i am talking about but if you will just google 'blue baby booger bulb' and look at the images tab, well it's right there - right at the top of the page - because clearly the scientific name for the device is blue baby booger bulb.


the 'system' consists of putting the drops in your ear, waiting a few mins with your head tilted over so the drops don't pour out, then tilting your head over and letting them pour out, and following with a rinse of warm water squirted into your ear canal using the blue baby booger bulb. easy peasy.


i turned on some 'rizzoli & isles' to keep me company, cranked up the volume since one ear would be even more blocked than normal, and loaded up the ol' ear canal with drops. the box advises not to be alarmed when the drops start fizzing, and so i was pretty excited about some wax melting action that was going to take place right there inside my head. i figured there'd be some fizzing and popping, the wax plug would get all jimmied up by the bubbles, and then i'd turn my head over and pop! it would just fall right out. HAHAHAHAHA! idiot.


there was either very little fizzing, or wax plugs cause not only reduced hearing but also reduced sense of feeling in the ear canals. wait... you think there aren't even nerves in there? well, let me tell you that yes, there are definitely nerves in the ear canal. i know this because this one time? at band camp? (HAHA. okay, i never went to "band" camp, but that was funny.) this one time not even at any sort of camp at all, but at plain old home, my ear was all jammed up with water. perhaps i forgot to mention that i was on the VARSITY swim team. anyhoo, jammed up, see. probably the wax plug all sponge-bobbing it in there, soaking up the h2o. so i was of course digging around in my ear with my pinkie finger which had a righteous allotment of pinkie fingernail. unfortunately, that got me nowhere, so i decided to try these drops called, creatively enough, 'swim ear'. drop... drop... eeeeeyyyyiiiiikkkeeessssss!! fire! fire! my ear is on fire! i stuck my head in the sink and filled my ear up good and well with water water water. then, i thought to read the box. ingredients: alcohol. brilliant!


after the application of the drops the other day, nothing popped out of my ear, so i used the blue baby booger bulb to 'flush gently with warm water' and i was 'careful to position the water stream so as not to block the water exiting the ear canal'. in other words, i worked the system. worked it. worked it. worked it.


i didn't work. no giant wax plug did dislodge and fall forth, no - not even a tiny scrap of wax deigned to descend its perch. pluswise, the next day, i had some random sharp pains in my ear. they were real quick little stabs so it wasn't a big deal but it was disconcerting and uncomfortable. so i was discouraged and i didn't work the system again. however now i think that perhaps the pains were caused by the dislodging of the plug. perhaps continued application of the drops would result in further dislodgment until said plug DOES fall from the ear canal like so much manna from heaven. on the other hand, perhaps it will just cause additional, prolonged pain in my ear.


14 December 2011

close your eyes and you'll get a surprise!

it's that time of year again.


good things come in small packages.

it's a bengals christmas.

13 December 2011

here we are trying to get to the moon when the bottom of the ocean is beckoning.

today i heard a story on NPR about eric whitacre's virtual choir. apparently it's not a new thing, just new to me. maybe new to you? anyway, mr whitacre is completely into choral music. he writes it. he arranges it. he conducts it. he comprehends the transformative power of choral music and wants to share that. remember singing in grade school music class? or, at summer camp? or, on the bus with your friends on the way to a football game? or, maybe in an organized chorus?

if you've ever sung in community with other people, you know what i am talking about here. there is power in choral singing. power to move hearts, change lives. i am not kidding around here - there really is power in shared music, and i'm fairly certain we're supposed to be doing something with music besides amusing ourselves. (i believe you were given an assignment to ponder this, weren't you now.)

anyway, virtual choir. what mr whitacre does is he posts some music online, and if you want to participate, you download the sheet music and you learn it and you sing your part into your computer and post it on youtube, and then mr whitacre gathers all the pieces and puts them together into a chorus.

it's sort of haunting, this creation of communal experience through individual inputs. i mean, yay for us doing something together, but we're not actually truely together. we're only virtually together. we all shared the exact same completely different experience together.

not that being in person together changes the fact that we're all experiencing differently. i mean... we're all always looking through our own lenses, so we're not ever fully together. being physically near tends to cause us to feel that we are sharing something, but besides perhaps a cloud of body odor, is there an innate sharedness to simply being geographically closeby?

on the space-time continuum, we can share space or we can share time or we can share both. if we both participate in the virtual choir, what are we sharing? we do our part in different places and at different times and mr whitacre does his part and then we view the output in our separate places, at separate times. is this community? do we have a shared experience?

12 December 2011

quesadillas, unlike pizza, are really not all that good cold.

just saw a commercial for this new show called 'work it' which pretty much looks like a remake of 'bosom buddies' which was this show where tom hanks and peter scolari could not find an affordable place to live except in an apartment house that was for women only. i don't remember exactly why they couldn't find another place to live, but i think it probably had something to do with being idiots. also, an apartment house for women only is a problematic plot construction. why? because it is stupid. in conclusion, what ever happened to peter scolari?

11 December 2011

it's been a this-and-that kind of day.

take responsibility.
give credit.


if only for the sake of the things you thought you'd do
when you were just a kid, with your life ahead of you,
if only for the sake of the plans that you once made,
take those lemons in your life and make some lemonade.


what is renée zellweger up to these days?



i remember doing that thing with a kid where you hold his hand and someone else holds his other hand and you both swing him along down the sidewalk. i mean, i remember being one of the swingers. it is possible i do not remember being a swingee because it never happened, but it's also possible that i don't remember it because it happened all the time. it's easy to forget the things that are normal.


mustard is good on hot dogs, but not so much on your shirt.


09 December 2011

it's entirely possible that jim caviezel is an automaton.

and then she goes, "there's a wax plug in your ear."


haha. hahaha. ha. get it? like, what?, i can't hear you, there's a wax plug in my ear.

when i was a kid, the pediatrician cleaned out my ears every time i was there, using a skinny metal tool that had a loop on the end. sort of like what the dentist uses to clean your teeth only not sharp because that would just be stupid. he told me i'd be dealing with earwax my whole life. i aged out of the pediatrician's office eons ago and haven't cleaned out the ol' ears canals since. so where does that get me... gets me a one-way ticket to waxville!

and then she goes, "there's a wax plug in your ear."

she told me that i can go to a specialist and get the plug vacuumed out, but i don't know, man, i just don't know. maybe i'll get me some ear candles, take care of it myself.

08 December 2011

snips and snails and... and... what is it again?

i went to target to purchase a baby shower gift and came home with a pack of underpants, a half gallon of milk, a bag of pretzels... and a baby shower gift. whew. close one. that place is a storm of distraction and i almost didn't make it out with having obtained that which i went in for to get.

what do you think? little boy clothes with little puppies on them. i am sort of thinking they're so cute and sort of thinking yawn. i mean clothes don't really seem "fun", but then, when it comes to babies, the fun is sort of built in, isn't it now.

07 December 2011

betcha i can!

there's this place i like to hang out online. i like the banter, the camaraderie. sometimes we have serious discussions. sometimes we just talk smack. sometimes someone leaves in a huff, never to return, and when they inevitably do return we give them a really hard time so they'll know how we really missed them. there are dorks and sycophants, math geeks and word geeks, personae and Real People, boys and girls. most of the folks there are fairly smart, and they're both quick witted and good humoured. able to give a joke, and also able to take one.

the thing that draws this group together is that we're all distance runners. some of us run longer distances than others, some of us faster than others, but in this group everyone's run a marathon. or, more likely, multiple marathons. the sorts of things we take for granted other people would never imagine. people in this group don't run dozens of miles every year. they don't run hundreds of miles every year. they run thousands.

generally, you don't run thousands of miles a year just for the hell of it. generally, you would have a goal - a race or series of races that you'd plan to run. you'd fit these races into a schedule and build some training around them. me... well, i am more the hell-of-it kind of girl. alls i want to do is go running, as far as possible, as often as possible. does the racing schedule justify the running or does the running justify the racing schedule? is the race the end, the culmination of the training... or is the race just the means, something society can comprehend, is the race merely the excuse to go running crazy far?


when you've got a race schedule and you're hanging out online with other folks that also have one, and oh by the way, you all started hanging out in the first place on account of the obsessive running which is the basis of the racing schedules, well, you are going to start comparing results. it's natural.

leaning towards the hell-of-it side of the spectrum, i don't generally get into the racing talk. it seems so pointless to run against a clock and then compare your results to someone else's. even if you ran the same event, you weren't racing, not truly. i don't know... i don't think i will be able to explain it well, but to me, racing is me and joey warnock tearing across the playground to the swingset. mano a mano. that's it.

i am not fast enough to go head to head with anyone from this group i hang out with, but i thought of a way (besides bionic legs) to change that. what do you do when you're on the playground, and you're fixing to race some kid to the swings, and that kid is younger than you, and smaller, and slower. what do you do?

you give him a head start, that's what you do.

so, here's what i am thinking. i can race you, and you, and you, too -- i can race all of you, if i were to get a head start. you'd have to find the right race event, probably a 5k, and it would have to be chip timed, and where they leave the start mats open, and probably where the start and finish aren't shared. i'd take off first, and after like 5 minutes, then you could start, and after say 6-1/2 minutes, well then you could start. after maybe 8 minutes, you go. then - you would go last. you'd have to wait like 10 minutes, at least! that's why it would have to be a chip timed race - so that you would get your fair shot at having your speedy time recorded appropriately.

anyway, see what would happen is that if it all goes according to plan, if we all run our butts off, then we should all end up coming down the home stretch just about the same time, see, because we were racing each other the whole way, just some of us got a head start. then, in the final yards, we're actually neck & neck, pounding it out, straining for the finish -- because whoever crosses that line first is the winner. the winner of our race within a race.

alls you'd win would be bragging rights, of course, but c'mon... what could be sweeter?

06 December 2011

you will find me easier to get along with while you do those things that bring me happiness.

if you wanted to purchase a gift for me,
you could purchase for me
a cardigan sweater.
make it a warm one,
a soft one,
not itchy.
turn cold winter cozy
so i won't be...
if you wanted to purchase a gift for me,
you could purchase for me
a cardigan sweater.

if you wanted to purchase a gift for me,
you could purchase for me
a pound of dark coffee.
make it a strong one,
a smooth one,
not glitchy.
turn cold winter cozy,
so i won't be...
if you wanted to purchase a gift for me,
you could purchase for me
a pound of dark coffee.

if you wanted to purchase a gift for me,
you could purchase for me
a book of smart stories.
make it a droll one,
a rare one,
not kitschy.
turn cold winter cozy,
so i won't be...
if you wanted to purchse a gift for me,
you could purchase for me
a book of smart stories.

if you wanted to purchase a gift for me,
you could purchase for me
a piece of fine music.
make it a sweet one,
a tuned one,
not pitchy.
turn cold winter cozy,
so i won't be...
if you wanted to purchse a gift for me,
you could purchase for me
a piece of fine music.

(before you know it,
we will be in springtime,
and we may go outside again,
and frolic.)

05 December 2011


the day was actually going pretty well til i ran up on a curb and mangled my sweet car. why did i go in that way?! why didn't i make sure i cleared the curb before turning?! why even come here at all?! totally pissed at myself. that is all.

04 December 2011

hp1 hp2 hp3 hp4 hp5 hp6 hp7.1 hp7.2

thought i was going to watch 'once upon a time' off the tivo but forgot that it comes on sundays not fridays so there wasn't one to watch. flipping around the channels i found a harry potter marathon on ABC family. yay! i have all the DVDs of course, but they only work on the little telly. for some reason the DVD player on the big telly doesn't work. well, it IS fairly old. i think it might be made out of wood. so anyway, i am relaxing after a long day of chores and watching some harry potter. so g'head and mov'along. leave me be.

02 December 2011

quarter moon

if i reach out my hand to you
will you reach out to me
will you meet me in the middle
where the others used to be

reach out across the ocean
reach out across the sky
reach out above across to love
across the wonder-why

if you reach out your hand to me
i will reach out to you
i'll reach beyond the space between
and pull you safely through

reach out across the ocean
reach out across the sky
reach out above across to love
across the wonder-why

01 December 2011

this wouldn't happen in boston.

when i walked out of the dentist office, there were two women and a girl in the hallway. the girl was maybe 3, 4 years old. one of the women was ushering her into the washroom, saying, "knock when you're done, i'll come in and help you". why not go in with her? it's a big room, a onesie, she's a little girl. c'mon! anyway, so the two women were standing there, in the hallway, clearly not going in anywhere, and i had to pee. the men's room was just sitting there, and they're both onesies, so who cares, right? i walk up and say, "hey, i guess i'll just go in here - haha." i walk to the door. put my hand on the doorknob. turn the doorknob. open the door. BAM! some guy's back in my face. jeez! who doesn't lock the door? "who doesn't lock the door?!" i exclaim! "that would be my brother," goes the not-with-girl woman. well, hell! who doesn't tell someone they are about to open the door on her brother?!