it's entirely possible that jim caviezel is an automaton.
and then she goes, "there's a wax plug in your ear."
haha. hahaha. ha. get it? like, what?, i can't hear you, there's a wax plug in my ear.

when i was a kid, the pediatrician cleaned out my ears every time i was there, using a skinny metal tool that had a loop on the end. sort of like what the dentist uses to clean your teeth only not sharp because that would just be stupid. he told me i'd be dealing with earwax my whole life. i aged out of the pediatrician's office eons ago and haven't cleaned out the ol' ears canals since. so where does that get me... gets me a one-way ticket to waxville!
and then she goes, "there's a wax plug in your ear."
she told me that i can go to a specialist and get the plug vacuumed out, but i don't know, man, i just don't know. maybe i'll get me some ear candles, take care of it myself.

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