31 January 2008

i'm hungry. go fix me a ham & cheese sammich.

the weather is messy & schools were closed today. when schools are closed, the vanpool doesn't go. this is a pain and also stupid.

in the good to know category: hillary clinton can control her husband. in case you didn't hear, ol' bill made some offensive remarks about obama, and someone called him out on it, and she said that he didn't mean to give offense, that she takes responsibility & apologizes if he did, and by the way, she can control him. right. like she was controlling him when he made those remarks? did she tell him to say those things... is that what she means?

in 2007, the immigration folks received 1.2 million apps. in 2006, they received 720,000 apps. the director said - we are not going to give away citizenship - it is something that has to be earned, and there is a process to earn it. you go, director man! he said this is the greatest increase in apps ever. seems that the immigrants believe the govt [you & me] are going to crack down on illegal immigrants. as well we should. good for these folks for getting legal.

30 January 2008

repeat after me: we are the government... it is our money... we are the government... is it our money... we are the government... it is our money...

there is a proposal on the proverbial table to replace income tax w/ a 40% sales tax. the sales tax would be stomach-turning, but you'd be getting your entire paycheck, and it would actually come out relatively even. but, it will never happen because the irs is a huge entity, employing thousands, and likely tens of thousands, of people. besides the irs, there are all the tax preparation services. it is simply a huge industry; therefore, income tax will never be replaced by sales tax.

29 January 2008

points to ponder

  • the hanes pantaloons 3/$6 at publix are not the same hanes as the hanes that are 1/$6 at the dept store.

  • speaking of pantaloons... what ever happened to underoos? speaking of what ever happened to... what ever happened to garanimals?

  • the amount of funny in stand-up comedy is directly proportional to the number of people watching with you.

  • the ut women beat duke last night. the score was 33-33 at halftime. tonight, the ut men are playing bamalama, and the score is 33-33 at halftime. weird.

  • jason's deli tomato basil soup is the same thing as their pasta sauce. have i covered this ground before?

  • hold on tight to your dreams. [electic light orchestra]

  • computer thinness is overrated. computer usefulness is underrated

  • popcorn. yum.

28 January 2008

this & that, plus a rant - no extra charge

left the evil green monkey paw in the rental car. on purpose. it was scaring me. now, it can scare the next people. you know how these newfangled cars have all these pockets & spaces & holders? well, in one of the secret holder pocket compartments is now an evil green monkey paw. scary evil monkey rabbit pawfoot says: boo!

saturday, i was thinking that the pink nightlight bulb in the bathroom sure had lasted a long time, and by sunday morning, it was burned out. weird, eh? yeah.

did you ever have a msg bd that you like, and you like the people on it, and you like the banter, and so on & so forth. and, then here comes some beeyotch posting a bunch of shizzle about her narcissistic self? geeyah. i mean, there you are with the banter, and here she comes with all her i don't eat biscuits and butter - ick! and i hate maple syrup. and in addition to the food bashing, she is all it hurts to run slower than 8 min miles. i cannot help it. i am just a fast runner, i guess. good golly miss molly - would you shut up shut up shut up! this particular girlie girl likes to lead off with a so-called question that begs the follow up questions from others that then allow her to put out the info she wanted to put out in the first place - the obnoxious inappropriate bragging that she could not simply post straight out, but she had to manipulate the conversation around to.

it is like she is possessed by an evil green monkey paw.

27 January 2008

one year

one year
is not a long time -
compared to ten years,
or twenty years,
or a hundred.

all we have now is one year,
one very short year.
today, we begin another year,
another very short year.

and, you will see -
it will pass.
and, the year after this one -
it will pass, too.
and, year after year,
as the years pass away,
so will your tears,
though never your memories.

26 January 2008

bucket list

went to see bucket list last night. it is an inspiring, quality movie, but i expected more list & less bucket.

turns out, a year is a really short time... you know?

25 January 2008

you can call me jack

greetings. we are on the road. like jack kerouac. get it? right.

checked out on the road from the local liberry, but have not been able to bring myself to read it. not confident it will turn out to be all it is cracked up to be, capiche? it looks boring, and i simply have no time for boring.

the rental this weekend is a toyota camry. roomy. handles well. gets up to speed quickly. comfortable seats. the only problem with this particular model is that it is red. not "maroon" or "burgundy". no. this car is red-red. would not be my choice, but actually doesn't look too bad b/c it's a sporty kind of car. i like it better than the altima in terms of fit -- it fits me better & the seats are ultimately adjustable. so, it's all good.

24 January 2008

to nap, or not to nap

i would like to take a nap, but also need to go get some ¢a$h for the trip.

what trip?

the trip that me & my old man are taking this weekend.

where are you going?

to see mini-me.

any special reason?

yeah - mini-me is special.

you know what i mean - any reason in particular to go this weekend?

oh, right. mini-me will be putting one of her myriad talents on display.


she will be acting. first, she will act tonight in an event, and then she will act happy to be with us as we annoy our way through the remainder of the weekend. finally, she will act sad to see us go when we finally get out of her hair.

sounds fun.

yes - it promises to be fabulous fun for everyone!!

23 January 2008

books 2008

finished eat, pray, love by elizabeth gilbert
started the name of the wind by patrick rothfuss

speaking of books, mini-me wrote & published a book. impressive? quite.

22 January 2008

performance art at the coffee house

i sewanee, it is just a little of this & a little of that, don't you know? here i am at the coffee shop -- yay coffee shop! -- and there is this one booth that has electricity to it. some tables do, but one booth. so, that is the booth i like, and some days it is available & some not. that is just how it goes in the coffee shop. some days, i am the only customer & some not. but, the stellar stuff is the cinnamon raisin bagel, the coffee w/ a shot of hazelnut, the free wifi.

today... there is this couple sitting there, in the good booth. she is like in his lap, and he is nuzzling & kissing her, and every once in a while, she will turn around for a full kiss, and all the while, she is reading aloud to him from a harlequin romance novel. bahwha? hello - people - let's try to focus... booths are for those of us with computers, not for your soft-core porn performance art.


21 January 2008


today, in celebration of the great freedoms of our country, we had brunch at j christophers. this is a new place in town, and the menu is quite voluminous. we had blueberry pancakes & eggs & toast & bacon & biscuits & country ham & grapes & cheese grits & home fries. all was wonderfully delish. the menu had everything from caramel-pecan waffles & cinnamon rolls & bagels & french toast to eggs benedict & omelettes & crepes & yogurt parfaits. it was very difficult to make decisions. perhaps we shall go back and sample some of the other treats another day.

there was a problem, though -- our waiter was terrible... to us. he waited on all the tables around us and virtually ignored us. we had to flag the guy down a couple times to get him to bring us the check and then get him to take the payment. we didn't need anything during the meal, but it would have been nice to have been checked on... and he was checking on surrounding tables. really, he was a terrible waiter. we generally tip 20%, so he only got 15%, but he doesn't even know we were punishing him. criminy.

but the pancakes were yummy!!

20 January 2008

ran 11 miles today and now am tired

watching vandy girls lose to ut girls. watching the chargers lose to the pats. geeshela! eli & the giants had better win tonight.

working on a grocery list. do you know if we are out of lettuce? be a doll & go check. thanks. speaking of groceries, never did get those fig newtons, so had to make do with the graham crackers. not quite the same, so currently am jonesing for the fig newtons. so, i can get some figgie newgies at the store. oh, and what do you want for supper? pizza? mmmm..... mushrooms, peppers, ham, black olives. yeah. that sounds good to me, too!

time for a laundry tip: don't put a mexican blanket all loaded up with leaves all stuck to it into the washer without shaking it out first. and, if mini-me used the blanket, you can be sure that she did not shake the leaves out before stuffing it in the hamper. geeshela!

19 January 2008

poptart kingdom

in the poptart kingdom, there are 2 phyla: frosted & unfrosted. within the phyla are the classes of breakfast and dessert. generally, unfrosted poptarts are of the class breakfast, while several of the phylum frosted are in the class dessert.

for prigzample: unfrosted strawberry is clearly unfrosted breakfast. frosted chocolate fudge is clearly frosted dessert. frosted strawberry belongs in the phylum & class frosted breakfast.

there are, however, a few platapus-like tricksters in the bunch. for instance, what does one do with the gingerbread & apple cinnamon varieties? neither of these is frosted, yet they are also not precisely unfrosted, for they are topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar. do they comprise a third phylum: sprinkled? or, are they merely a class within unfrosted? and, are they more strictly dessert or breakfast? i propose that they are unfrosted dessert.

also, what do do with the brown sugar cinnamon varietal? this tasty morsel comes in both frosted and unfrosted, as do many of its companions, but it is not clearly of the breakfast or dessert classification. almost too rich for breakfast, yet particularly in the unfrosted manifestation, not quite a satisfying dessert. i propose the brown sugar cinnamon unfrosted is breakfast while the frosted is dessert.

thoughts? comments? questions?

18 January 2008

guess who is gonna be ref'ing the superbowl?

just announced tonight - mike carey will be the first black man to ref the superbowl. that's right - my man mike carey! w00t!

do you want to block junk emails?

vandy girls beat georgia last night when the vandy boys were busy giving the game away to ut. vandy guys play lsu tomorrow, so we will see if they can do any better. go 'dores!

so, the titans fired norm chow & rehired mike himerdinger. not sure how you spell himerdinger, but sure you get the idea there. himerdinger used to be the offensive coordinator for the titans, but was hired away by the jets and then landed in denver, but is now coming back to tennessee. we shall see what he can do with ol' vince. remember what vince scored on the combine's wunderlich test? like, the lowest score ever. not sure if his intellect - or lack thereof - is part of the problem... but then, how could it not be? kerry collins steps in as qb, and the receivers all suddenly are catching the ball. yet, when vince is in there, they cannot catch anything. maybe he ain't throwing it right, or to the right place, or on the right timing. maybe [*gasp*] it's him. maybe vince is the problem. we shall see... we shall see.

elvis sent a picture of beavis today. cute as a button, he is. well, he is still sort of like, you know, a fetus, but hey... give him a few weeks, and he'll be a real baby, pinocchio!

here is his pic. not sure if you can tell, but he is shooting you a bird. oh, beavis, you are such a kidder.

speedy & i are supposed to do 11 miles this weekend, but tomorrow it is going to be crazycrazy cold, so we are planning on doing our 11 on sunday afternoon. and, monday is a holiday, so that's an extry day to recover from the 11 miles. note to self: stock up on fig newtons for proper recovery.

heh heh. yeah.

17 January 2008

vandy lost

boo. hoo.

16 January 2008

tomorrow night, vandy plays ut - men's basketball - big game - w00t! w00t! go 'dores & all that jazz. you would think somewhere in this town would be a decent vandy hoodie and/or tee shirt in a size other than xl, xxl, xxxl, and that's right ladies & gents - xxxxl. right. oh, and the baby tees are there, and i am not talking baby doll tees for the gals, i am talking teeny tiny tees for actual, real life, babies. right again. my old man went with me to dick's [heh heh... yeah.], academy sports, sport seasons, and *gasp* the mall to look for vandywear. nada. nil. zip. zilch.


after all the shopping, we went to jason's deli, and let me just say that place consistently rocks in my book. tonight's selection: penne pasta pesto. okay, maybe i have the name wrong, but here's the deal -- penne pasta with a super tomato-basil sauce, grilled chicken, and topped with grated mozzarella. bellissimo! the tomato-basil sauce bears a striking resemblance to the tomato basil soup. but, it's tasty, so who really cares, eh? soup, sauce, whatever.


still reading eat pray love by elizabeth gilbert. she's been through italy eating and india praying, and now she's in india, loving. it's good - better than i expected - but is dragging a wee bit at this point. i mean, she's all with the meditating & soaking in the spiritual side of life, but really, for the reader... uh... there's not any... you know... action.


15 January 2008

at the beanery & it would be perfect except i forgot my chapstik

that is really all i have to say. mourning the absence of chapstik. sadness abounds.

okay, just kidding. that is not all i have to say. firstly, this guy at the counter here at the beanery, talking to the beanerista, what is his deal, eh? is that a british accent, or is he from mississippi? criminy, man - pick an accent already! and, this guy across the aisle -- let me tell you, mister, you are going to throw your ankle out of socket if you keep tapping your toes with that velocity. geeyah!

chapstik, i miss you... dearly.

today i am wearing my new stein mart jacket. i got 2 jackets & 2 tops for $44. score! so, i am wearing one stein mart jacket & top with one goodwill skirt. lovely outfit - all for less than $50. probably less than $40. well, i had the liz claiborne shoes on, but i know i picked those up for less than $20 - don't remember where... it's been several years. of all the pieces i am wearing, the control top sandal toe sheer energy leggs are probably the most expensive piece. so, i am wearing a sharp & classy outfit, and what do they all say? do you have an interview? i sewanee, i am going to dress like this all the time now, people! get used to it! well, except on fridays, when i am still wearing my chucks, and you can't stop me.

the other day at the gas station, i was out of chapstik, so i got something called bahama bo's mango melon flavor. that stuff is stellar. i wish i had it with me right now.

thursday night: ut v vandy, men's basketball. you can cheer for whoever you want, but if you love me, you will cheer for the 'dores. but, do what you want. but, your love is being measured. but, exercise your free will. but, remember that you will be held accountable for your choices.

14 January 2008

overheard in the locker room...

-- this year's gonna be different.
     i ain't gonna date no more married men!
-- shoot, yeah.

ah, the world is peopled with many types of eejits, n'est-ce pas?

13 January 2008

while watching the colts v the chargers

why are the chargers called the chargers? it's like an electrical charge, a lightning symbol, not horses, which is what you normally get as a mascot when you are chargers. need to look that up and learn a little something. the ref in today's game is gerry austin, who has been reffing for 26 years. that is a very long time, eh? here's a pic of ol' gerry... and, i mean, old gerry.

finally saw the hillary clinton "breakdown", and criminy, people - is that what you call a breakdown? her voice cracked a little, but there were not even any tears. not much of a breakdown, in my book.

you know what i am sick of? people who pedestrianize on the wrong side of the street. it is a traffic hazard. it is bad enough that these cars are determined to pass each other right by pedestrians, but when the pedestrians are contributing to the problem by taking up both sides of the road... well, it's just stupid. pedestrians on the left, facing traffic. bicycles on the right, with traffic. simple.

i am also sick of drivers who do not use blinkers. when you are a pedestrian, you really count on good communication from the others on the road. when the communication breaks down, someone could get hurt, and it could be me. i could hurt myself throwing rocks at your freakin car.

got another black rebel motorcycle club cd. time to update the ipod.

12 January 2008

what ever happened to voting for the most qualified candidate?

the new hampshire pre-primary polls predicted [say that three times, fast!] that barack obama would beat hillary clinton by anything from 7 to 13 points, but hillary bested him by 2%. why would the polls be so far wrong? well, among other theories, including the fact that clinton shows above obama on the alphabetized ballots, is the theory of "the bradley effect". the idea is that when polled, people will say that they are planning to vote for the black candidate, and then they go vote for the white candidate. the bradley that the effect is named for was running for california governor in 1982, was predicted to win by 9 to 22 point, but ended up losing. oh, and duh - he is a black man & was running against a white man.

during the story on npr, the reporter actually said that white people will say they are planning to vote for the black candidate, so that they will not appear racist. really. it is considered racist for a white person to say they will vote for a white person. is it also considered racist for a black person to say they will vote for a black person?

11 January 2008

how many teenagers are there in the usa, anyway?

on the other night's local news, this was scrolling across the bottom of the screen: new survey reveals that 3 million american teenagers use cough syrup & cold medicine to get high. if this surprises you, then you clearly are out of contact with teenagers. the only thing that surprises me is that as many as 3 million admitted to this. i am confident more than 3 million are actually partaking.

i looked up some census data, and the july 2006 estimate for kids aged 10-19 is 41,951,583. that's 41 million, with 21,324,186 of those being in the 14-19 category. so, 3 million is a smallish percentage, eh? yes. i am betting we aren't getting a full rpt. what do you think?

10 January 2008

to err is human

you may not have heard, but kelly tilghman kinda messed up. she & nick faldo were out in florida for the season opening tourney last week. i am not sure how many times kelly's had the chance at the anchor desk, but seems to me that this is a step up for her. she & ol' nick were talking about tiger and how the young golfers may feel they don't have a chance. kelly said that the youngsters may feel like taking tiger out in a back alley & lynching him. well, duh-honkus, what a poor choice of words. but, fashizzle, we all make mistakes, eh? kelly & tiger have been friends for 12 years, and she apologized to him personally. she messed up. she apologized to the viewers & to tiger. this all happened last week. and, yet - it is still being broadcast on the news.

let it go, folks. we all make mistakes.

09 January 2008

don't make it harder than it has to be

heard on the news that indiana requires registered voters to bring photo id to the polling place. some lawmakers there want this rule or law [not sure exactly what it is] repealed b/c they say it is too difficult for underpriviledged folks to get a photo id. indiana gives photo id's for free - if you don't have a driver's license, you can get a free photo id by bringing a birth certificate to the id place. so, they are giving them away, see, for free. you really cannot get much easier than free. of course, they have to get themselves to the id place, but fashizzle, they can get everyfreakinwhere else they want to get to. it's not like they can mail you a photo id. geeyah.

my old man said all voter id cards should have pix on them and also a bar code. when you get to the polling place, you'd scan the bar code, and the computer would bring up your photo for the polling place volunteer to check & be sure it's really you, and then it would bring up your name, address, etc., for you to sign in, and then you could vote right there, too. easy-peasy-lemon-squeesy.

you will no doubt be delighted to learn that...

... cambridge univ conducted a 13-year nutrition study. the results indicate that exercising, eating fruits & veggies, drinking a small amount of red wine each day, & not smoking are all practices that lead to a longer, healthier life.

took them 13 yrs to find this out? really? at least it is britain's money at work, and not ours, but should the world's money be wasted on repetitious research like this? i think not.

[cambridge --->]

08 January 2008

greetings from the beanery

when my old man picks me up at the van, and he's got the computer in the car, i know it's gonna be a beanery evening. w00t! love the beanery. [love the beaner, too. oh, you know you will always be the beaner to me!]

whut up, dawgs?? nothing much here. same old, same old. work, play, coffee. you know the drill.

let's see.... what to talk about? oh, how about this: ol' hilary broke down in tears the other day at some campaign stop. i did not see it, but have heard commentary. the general sentiment seems to be that she's a wee bit tired & stressed by the campaign and reacted emotionally to a question from the floor. tired & stressed -- really? b/c if she is tired & stressed by the campaign, she sure as hula don't need to be in the office. criminy.

what else? oh, how about this: how 'bout dem bayou bengals? oh, yeah! way to geaux, tigers! l.s.u. beat ohio state for the national championship last night. the s.e.c. is no doubt the strongest football conference out there. basketball looks to have a good year, too. vandy still undefeated, facing its first s.e.c. foe tomorry night: south carolina. w00t - go 'dores! u.t. also having a good season and likely still ranked higher than the 'dores, but only 'cause the 'dores ain't really played nobody yet. they gonna prove it - for real!

okay, grammar deterioration alert. signing off for now. love to the missus -- ace out!

turns out, spelling does count

it is wednesday, and the thought for the day is if you wish to go to the cigna website to check your insurance stuff, do not type cinga.com on accident b/c you will go to a creepy java-based spam-generating bible site. weird & unpleasant & invasive.

07 January 2008

sugar... na-na-na-na-na-na... oh, honey, honey... na-na-na-na-na-na... you are my candy, girl, and you got me wanting you.

watching the sugar bowl, which started at this house with a wee bit of frustration b/c when we got home, the satellite signal had cut out, so the tivo did not work. we still caught the 2nd quarter, so we'll see 3/4 of the game, but still... the technology let us down.

what were we doing that was so important that we had to set the tivo? oh, we were car shopping. car shopping? if you don't have a car, how do you get to the car store? oh, we took the harley. heh heh heh.

i have quite oddly found a pic that illustrated this post. odd. odd. odd.

06 January 2008

the new year: day 6

so, the titans lost, just as i predicted. looked for a while there like they might pull out the victory, but there simply are too many injuries, leaving too little experience. the offense needs work -- they only scored 6 points. there were some flashes of brilliance -- cortland finnegan's interception not the least of these -- but there were too few brilliant plays and too many lackadaisical plays. it was not that the titans were playing poorly, exactly... they simply were not playing well, if that even makes any sense. ah, well, maybe next year. and, getting into the post season at all is an improvement.

in other sports news -- speedy & i did 9 miles this morning in 1:30, for an overall 10 min pace, which is respectable. the problem was that we did the first 5 miles in 46 mins and the remaining 4 in 44 mins. and, when i say we, i mean me because speedy told me that she did her last 9 mile run in 75 minutes, so i'd say she's a bit speedier without me. she's considering a thon at the end of march, and i might go along if i can pull together a relay team. there would be 4 of us, and we'd each do a little over 6.5 miles. anyone interested in being on my team?

in non-sports news -- last wk, the new girl at the office said that the completion of her assignment would need to wait for the arrival of the calculator she ordered from the supply catalog. the task was to calculate total payment due from word counts and ¢/word rates. the function is multiplication -- for instance: 1500 words * 7.5¢/word = total payment due. now, kids... if you had to do this calculation for your job, and you had at your disposal: (1) a desktop computer, (2) myriad writing utensils & a plethora of paper, (3) co-workers of whom to request assistance, (4) a car with which to travel to the local walgreens... how would you complete the assignment? would you choose to wait until after your supervisors had left for the day to respond to the email containing this assignment -- sent 6 hours earlier -- by sending your own email informing them that you would be unable to complete the assignment for 2 days while you waited on the calculator to arrive?

in other non-sports news -- the first book of the new year is eat pray love by elizabeth gilbert. this book is a memoir, and as a general rule, i steer clear of memoirs because they tend to be a mass of self-serving blather. however, this one is a new york times bestseller & is also a xmas gift from my old man, so i decided to give it a go. it is surprisingly good. i am on page 86, and i am happy to be reading this particular mass of self-serving blather.

how about you... are you happy to be reading this particular mass of self-serving blather? yeah, yeah... no one is makin' ya read it, ya doob! [insert gratuitous 6 here, for proper affect]


mini-me is leaving today, and here is what is amazing: in two wks, you can feel as if someone has never left, and in two hours, you can feel that they may never return. time & space are odd & incomprehensible entities.

05 January 2008


3 miles in 27:07. yipee.

so here's this thing that happens when i am running. a car will be coming at me and coming from behind me timed just right to pass each other when they are precisely beside me. for some unfathomable reason, the cars are never able to take a break for even a moment in their passionate determination to reach their respective destinations, but instead, they barrel ahead & inevitably pass each other precisely beside me, invariably forcing me off the road.

seriously, people. simply stop for merely a moment, and the problem is eliminated. your stopping is much less invasive to your travels than my stopping is to mine.

these people are clearly not runners.

04 January 2008

i'll start pitchin' when you start hittin'.

that's a quote from the movie the natural, in case you didn't reckanize it.

and, speaking of quotes, here's one from the local paper: "titans promoted offensive lineman mike otto from their practice squad to their 53-man roster for sunday's playoff game at san diego." let's here it for ol' mike. good luck, man - this could be your big break.

the plan for tomorrow was supposed to be an early run w/ speedy, but now it looks like rain, so we've bagged tomorrow & we'll try again on sunday. if it's raining on sunday, well then, i guess we'll just have to suck it up & get out there.

man... this movie -- the natural? it's a classic, you know?

playoffs schmayoffs

the titans' injury list reads like a who's who of the team mvps... receiver roydell williams broke his ankle in practice. tight end bo scaife got a lacerated liver in the last game. vince young, quad. lendale white, knee. benji olsen, back. albert haynesworth, hamstring.

that's not the entire list, but it gives you a feel for how things are going. it would appear they put everything into getting to the playoffs, so i'm really not confident about this san diego game. pretty sure they're going out west to get their butts kicked.

but, they are going, so there's always a chance they will pull off the win. i mean, you certainly cannot win if you do not even go, eh?

03 January 2008

winter silence... simply a picture, no words.

well, would you look at that....

aces are always aces. stellar.

02 January 2008

500th post

on the news tonight, the anchor mentioned that in feb 2009 all broadcast television will be digital and that the government is providing up to $40 rebates to folks who need to purchase converter boxes for their analog televisions.

okay, firstly, kids -- do you remember who the govt is? that's right - it is us. you, me, we are the govt. that means we are paying up to $40 for these analog goobers to get converter boxes for their rabbit ear television sets.

secondly, kids -- when is the last time you saw a rabbit ear television that is in any kind of shape at all? do they even still sell those sets? will any of them still be operational in feb 2009? b/c all these jokers are going to be applying for their $40s at my expense and then going out & getting new digivision sets.

kids -- we are getting rooked. again.

01 January 2008

flipping the coin

watching a bunch of football this weekend -- currently the rose bowl. the flipping of the coin to start the game was a little different b/c the coin had usc on one side and illinois on the other, so there was no "calling it in the air". whatever side it landed on, that team won the toss. easy-peasy-lemon-squeezie! why do they not always do something so easy. they don't need to create a plethora of coins. simply print coins with "home" on one side and "away" on the other. no more calling the coin in the air. toss the coin, and whatever side is up will say right there -- home or away -- who wins the toss. easy-peasy-lemon-squeezie!

books 2007 - final list

night work - laurie r. king
glass castle - jeannette walls
cross - james patterson
the kite runner - khaled hosseini
with child - laurie r. king
the bookseller of kabul - åsne seierstad
bridget jones's diary - helen fielding
bridget jones: the edge of reason - helen fielding
how to be good - nick hornby
about a boy - nick hornby
olivia joules & the overactive imagination - helen fielding
a series of unfortunate events vol. 1-12 - lemony snicket
high fidelity - nick hornby
a long way down - nick hornby
the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime - mark haddon
the nightspinners - lucretia walsh grindle
the last days of dogtown - anita diamant
the end - lemony snicket
special topics in calamity physics - marisha pessl
hp6 - jk rowling
hp7 - jk rowling
the senator & the priest - andrew greeley
the art of detection - laurie r. king
life as we knew it - susan beth pfeffer
remainder - tom mccarthy
artemis fowl - eoin colfer
irish linen - andrew greeley
after the baby boomers - robert wuthnow
déjà dead - kathy reichs
the alienist - caleb carr
becoming me - melody carlson
it's my life - melody carlson
king dork - frank portman
firegirl - tony abbott

happy newness