20 January 2008

ran 11 miles today and now am tired

watching vandy girls lose to ut girls. watching the chargers lose to the pats. geeshela! eli & the giants had better win tonight.

working on a grocery list. do you know if we are out of lettuce? be a doll & go check. thanks. speaking of groceries, never did get those fig newtons, so had to make do with the graham crackers. not quite the same, so currently am jonesing for the fig newtons. so, i can get some figgie newgies at the store. oh, and what do you want for supper? pizza? mmmm..... mushrooms, peppers, ham, black olives. yeah. that sounds good to me, too!

time for a laundry tip: don't put a mexican blanket all loaded up with leaves all stuck to it into the washer without shaking it out first. and, if mini-me used the blanket, you can be sure that she did not shake the leaves out before stuffing it in the hamper. geeshela!


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