poptart kingdom
in the poptart kingdom, there are 2 phyla: frosted & unfrosted. within the phyla are the classes of breakfast and dessert. generally, unfrosted poptarts are of the class breakfast, while several of the phylum frosted are in the class dessert.
for prigzample: unfrosted strawberry is clearly unfrosted breakfast. frosted chocolate fudge is clearly frosted dessert. frosted strawberry belongs in the phylum & class frosted breakfast.
there are, however, a few platapus-like tricksters in the bunch. for instance, what does one do with the gingerbread & apple cinnamon varieties? neither of these is frosted, yet they are also not precisely unfrosted, for they are topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar. do they comprise a third phylum: sprinkled? or, are they merely a class within unfrosted? and, are they more strictly dessert or breakfast? i propose that they are unfrosted dessert.
also, what do do with the brown sugar cinnamon varietal? this tasty morsel comes in both frosted and unfrosted, as do many of its companions, but it is not clearly of the breakfast or dessert classification. almost too rich for breakfast, yet particularly in the unfrosted manifestation, not quite a satisfying dessert. i propose the brown sugar cinnamon unfrosted is breakfast while the frosted is dessert.
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