06 January 2008

the new year: day 6

so, the titans lost, just as i predicted. looked for a while there like they might pull out the victory, but there simply are too many injuries, leaving too little experience. the offense needs work -- they only scored 6 points. there were some flashes of brilliance -- cortland finnegan's interception not the least of these -- but there were too few brilliant plays and too many lackadaisical plays. it was not that the titans were playing poorly, exactly... they simply were not playing well, if that even makes any sense. ah, well, maybe next year. and, getting into the post season at all is an improvement.

in other sports news -- speedy & i did 9 miles this morning in 1:30, for an overall 10 min pace, which is respectable. the problem was that we did the first 5 miles in 46 mins and the remaining 4 in 44 mins. and, when i say we, i mean me because speedy told me that she did her last 9 mile run in 75 minutes, so i'd say she's a bit speedier without me. she's considering a thon at the end of march, and i might go along if i can pull together a relay team. there would be 4 of us, and we'd each do a little over 6.5 miles. anyone interested in being on my team?

in non-sports news -- last wk, the new girl at the office said that the completion of her assignment would need to wait for the arrival of the calculator she ordered from the supply catalog. the task was to calculate total payment due from word counts and ¢/word rates. the function is multiplication -- for instance: 1500 words * 7.5¢/word = total payment due. now, kids... if you had to do this calculation for your job, and you had at your disposal: (1) a desktop computer, (2) myriad writing utensils & a plethora of paper, (3) co-workers of whom to request assistance, (4) a car with which to travel to the local walgreens... how would you complete the assignment? would you choose to wait until after your supervisors had left for the day to respond to the email containing this assignment -- sent 6 hours earlier -- by sending your own email informing them that you would be unable to complete the assignment for 2 days while you waited on the calculator to arrive?

in other non-sports news -- the first book of the new year is eat pray love by elizabeth gilbert. this book is a memoir, and as a general rule, i steer clear of memoirs because they tend to be a mass of self-serving blather. however, this one is a new york times bestseller & is also a xmas gift from my old man, so i decided to give it a go. it is surprisingly good. i am on page 86, and i am happy to be reading this particular mass of self-serving blather.

how about you... are you happy to be reading this particular mass of self-serving blather? yeah, yeah... no one is makin' ya read it, ya doob! [insert gratuitous 6 here, for proper affect]


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