24 January 2011

pizza guy was like, "your pizza will be there in 45 minutes" but then he got here in like 25 mins so does that make him a liar? are his pants on fire?

this was the headline block on my homepage today. can you even see it?

firstly, that pic of ol' rahm is brilliant. "nobody tells rahm no!"

secondly, there's a wee tiny pic of jay cutler who was injured during the first half of the bears game yesterday and didn't play the second half and for that many folks took him to task, and this excoriation brought him to tears which in turn brought further scorn. roethlisberger was also brought to tears yesterday, but his tears were of joy whereas cutler's were of weakness, ergo roethlisberger's were deemed a-ok. but the important factor here is that both of these boys have giant noggins, bringing us to the inevitable conclusion that giant noggins go to sobbing under stress.

thirdly, i read that there as "deadly blast at cow airport". i am not cowpieing you. why would i read it that way? well, c'mon, it's me we're talking about here. so i read that there was a deadly blast at the cow airport and i wondered for a moment if that were like a mcdonald's airport that was attacked by those chick-fil-a cows. okay, see, that thought flashed thru my mind much more quickly than it takes to type it or even to read it. it's not like i considered it. jeez! it's not like i even thought about it at all. it just popped into my mind as a fully-formed thought, like viewing a picture. flash! cowsplosion! flash! cowuerrilla warfare! flash! and just like that the thought-picture was gone, but still, it was there for one brief shining moment.


so. i share that moment with you.

because that is what i do.


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