25 September 2009

we could learn a lot from plants. plants are easily appeased and don't really hold a grudge.

sitting at the mellow mushroom yestereve, i looked around the room at my fellow patrons and noticed a table of 4 guys who appeared to be in their mid-twenties. two had their heads bowed over their hands and i was all like, aw - they're praying. but then i noticed the other 2 were just looking around, lah-lah-lah, and i was all like, man - that is ruuude! and then i looked again at the praying ones and realized they were not praying. they were texting. durr. made me realize how technology is maybe not such an integrated part of my thinking as i would like to believe.

if you are going to be a plant around here, you have to be tough. no sissy, whiney, crybaby plants need apply. here are the before & after shots of one of my lovely plant friends. you can see he was quite thirsty and demonstrated this thirst by wilting over. boohoo. so sad. gave him a little water and he perked right up. i hated to reward his whining, but it is friday after all.

here's another pic from today. this is one i like to call "watch out or that knee's gonna cut ya". this was an accidental pic, so it's difficult to discern much of what's going on besides the fact that the ignition is up there and the hand brake is down there and in between is my knee looking quite pointy. makes me wonder what my knees are up to when i am not watching.

we'll finish up today with a pic from the coffee pot area at work. today, someone brought a cake! it was lovely spice cake with coconut in the icing. mmmm! and, you can see right there what someone left to put the cake in for carrying it back to one's desk -- paper boats! first, cake. then, a toy! would the fun never end!


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