24 September 2009


i was just getting over the broken ankle thing and getting out there & running again, and i think i might have overdone it. sheesh! i was barely even doing anything! but, my calf is now hurting so in order to avoid a serious injury, i will back off the running and get back on the bike.

who is planning to run a marathon in november? heh. certainly not me. no way. i don't run marathons. you must have me confused with someone else. move along, move along, nothing to see here.

i periodically wonder if i am getting to old for this. or, perhaps, getting too old for someone who started too late. i mean, i have been a runner for decades, but a marathon runner only recently. maybe it's too much. more likely, though, i simply need to do it better. run and rest and nutritionalize with intent. the problem with that is that i am not really the kind of person who plans leisure activities with such intent.

i simply wish to run & sleep & eat but it's possible that it's simply not that simple anymore.


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