26 September 2009

who the hell are the kardashians? no, really. i truly have no idea.

so last night we were out hunting for supper in all the usual hunting grounds, and my old man makes a turn into the parking lot at academy sports. i said - «are we going to eat here, at academy?» and he said - «yes.» and i said - «what are we going to eat - freeze dried camping foods? haha?» he said - «no. leather goods.»

i don't know about you, but he cracks me up.

feeling rather worthless because i am not a putterer, so the house is rather much of a broken mess, and i am not really running much b/c of injury, so my fitness level is rather much of a broken mess, and i just reviewed the list of books i've read this year, and the number is a pitifully low 16 and every last one, fiction. ::SIGH:: {feel free to tell me something wonderful about myself here.}

vandy plays rice tonight and ut plays ohio and the former is on cable and the latter on pay-per-view, neither of which are available in our house, so we'll probably head out to find the games. nothing cures the feeling that the house needs to be fixed & cleaned faster than leaving the house altogether and drinking beers.


At 27 September, 2009 08:52, Blogger dmb said...


too true, about leaving the house...don't really know if drinking helps, though! :)

also--you raised a beautiful, competent, loving daughter...who thinks her fish is dying... :(

hope you're having a better day today!

At 28 September, 2009 10:22, Blogger J Dot said...


1) You have no idea who the Kardashians are. That is worth double points.

2) You are the champion of gifts that will actually be a lot of fun and get played with.

3) As the archival picture indicates, from a very early age you have known how to hold your booze.

Fixing the house is stupid.


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