snow day #3
i shoveled the snow off the driveway and now i can now barely use my right upper appendage.
i shoveled the snow off the driveway and now i can now barely use my right upper appendage.
did i mention it snowed? i haven't taken many good pictures, but here's one that will give you a bit of a feel of the level of the flakes.
no school! no school!
currently reading the youngest templar: keeper of the grail and so far so good. it's got your monks and your castles and your richard the lionheart and your knights and your dusty horsies and your candles and trenchers and attic rooms and purses of coins and one extra shirt and a piece of parchment.
you don't hold the key
yeah, about the post right below this one - i had it in my head and so i put it on the page. this is my blog. i don't have to apologize for anything i write, even the things that make me cry. i don't owe you any explanations but i would like to say that this is not something i dwell on or even really ever think about much. i'd venture to say you'd be surprised how little i think about it. it's all i can do to manage the life of the present - i don't need to be lugging out the past. but, i had it in my head, so i put it on the page.
finished the last song and it was every bit as lifetime-movie as you'd expect from nicholas sparks. not in a bad way. just lifetimey. chose from the pile the youngest templar which i picked up on my last visit to graceland. i inevitably pick up books there b/c we inevitably go book shopping and i inevitably read little there because there aren't many good reading spots. i could imagine a summertime visit would mean more reading b/c the porch is nice, but inside there are too freakin few lamps.
i don't so much like to clean the house. i do like to have a clean house, but i don't like to clean it. and really, who does? one way to make it more fun is to buy different cleaning potions. for example, i tried this stuff called "kaboom" because it sounds like it would totally blow through the issues, but it turned out to be a poor combination of dangerous chemicals and ineffectiveness. i also tried the scrubbing bubbles, but turns out they are somewhat lazy. when it comes down to it, most cleaning potions aren't really all that effective. the only way to really clean anything is to put a little elbow grease into it. so might as well purchase something that purports to be environmentally friendly. i am currently using nature's source organic product which contains: purified water, plant extracts, and synthetic fragrance.
if you recall, i had a crown implanted in my mouth back in august. that is like 5 months ago. you'd think it would be all settled down by now. well, it's not. it is usually either not hurting at all or is totally killing me and the entire side of my head hurts. nice, huh? that is why i went to another dentist and an endodontist to have it checked out. guess what they said? absolutely nothing is wrong with it. nothing. it's fitted well and has no disease or decay. right. WHY THE HELL IS IT HURTING? c'mon guys - this is your job! i tell you "me hurtie!" and you fix it. simple one-for-one trade: my pain for your gain. you fixee - me payee. gaaa!
currently watching UT versus bamalama on ESPN and they are really playing up that tomorry night they will have announcer switch - the guys who usually work the college game will work the professional game and vicey-versey. this means dick vitale will be working the spurs game. sorry, elvis. sucks to be a spurs fan tomorry. bwah!
the past couple days i have been wearing the leggings i bought as running tights for regular clothing. you know, regular. like, worn while not running. i realize this puts me in the driver's seat of the delorean headed back in time to 1987, but hell, they are comfy!
Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends.
in case you haven't heard, pat robertson claimed that the earthquake in haiti was a direct result of a pact the haitians made with the devil to win their freedom from the french back in 1791.
i went to the thing at the place and it was okay. there were people and all and they did some talking - actually too much talking - and then we went for a run. we did what they call 5-and-1 for the most part and it worked out well for me because my overall time was faster than my average overall time and although i'm a bit tired now i don't feel totally wasted. the thing about the pacing though is that it's difficult to do that alone - to keep up the pace - because of all the mind drifting and lack of focus. i met a few people but it's not like we were exchanging phone numbers or anything. this is not the sort of thing you solve in one morning. it's going to take some time.
speedy is gone for good this time. she's not coming back and it's time to move on. time to replace the speedster -- a running buddy, a drinking buddy, a friend. i'd be hard-pressed to replace her with only one person and that's going to be a real problem because i truly don't like people. at. all.
my old man has gone to an event, and i didn't go b/c i am not feeling well. i am not SICK, mind you, just a bit too much running and too little sleeping. not sick. not. my tummy is a bit rumbly & bumbly and i am a bit knackered. but i am not sick! i just want to sit here in my pjs and eat saltines. mmm.... is apple juice good for or bad for a rumblybumbly tummy? i hope good b/c that is what i am drinking.
the past couple weeks i am back to running more than i was over the past few months before that. the ankle's good, hanging in there, so i am putting in the additional miles on the consecutive days and here's the thing i forgot about the mileage buildup - - it freaking wears your arse out. either that or i have a cold.
with assistance from elvis, beavis called yesterday to announce to ol' ace that he had pooped in the toilet. firstly, it is a point of interest that the goals of a 2 year old are and quite rightly should be different than [different from?] the goals of, say, a 12yo. although i am sure there are normal, healthy 12yo's who occassionally poop their pants through no fault of their own, and there are 12yo's of diminished capacity who would be quite pleased to poop in the toilet, what i am trying to say here is that political correctness aside, 12yo's are as a general rule potty trained.
sometimes i hesitate to use a paper towel because it seems a waste. like say i am peeling a hard-cooked egg in the morning for the breaking of the fast. there will be eggshells. i don't want to just put them on the counter, but to get a nice, clean, unused paper towel just to hold the shells and then to throw it away? this seriously seems a waste. and, i am not talking here about keeping down the levels of trash in the world. that is not the concern that is on my mind in these moments. my concern is that the paper towels cost like 2¢ per each and dos pesos is worth more than eggshells. i want to get the most out of each paper towel. i find myself not wanting to throw away a paper napkin for the same reason. it's not totally used up. i feel like i should be able to use it again but i realise nobody wants to see my paper napkin sitting there waiting to be used again. i need a paper napkin storage recepticle. or i could use cloth napkins like elvis & priscilla do, although i don't believe their usage is for savings of any kind or any other reason than affectation.
where most folks would be happy to yell "dee-FENSE! dee-FENSE!!" i come from the sort of family that finds it amusing to cheer thusly - «impede their progression! impede their progression!» boy howdy. we are witty AND fun to be with. not pretentious at all, at all.
today's adventure in dentaldom included a visit to a dentist and an endodontist. this particular dentist will probably now be "my dentist" although the phrase "my dentist" is a bit imprecise, don't you agree? i mean, it's not like i am carrying him around in my pocket or that he is at my beck & call. it would be more accurate to say - he is the dentist that i see for my dental care needs.
well yeah - the dentist isn't in here yet. like i am going to blog from the supine position. heh. scuse me dr dental while i transmit my thoughts to the slobbering masses. right.
my discreet poll revealed that the only one who wanted to go was bossman so of course we all piled into cars & did that panera thing. a mere 30 minutes after trooping through the line, a representative of the group who was seated with bossman came to our necessarily separated group - panera is a crowded place with small tables - and told us that bossman said it was time to get back to work. ppfahahaha! what a... um... bossman. geesh.
today i learned that some of our troops in afghanistan are farmer-soldiers. they are national guardsmen who are training the afghans to grow crops to feed their families + to sell. apparently the afghans were not doing simple things like pruning the apple trees to encourage more & bigger apples to grow. i really admire these farmer-soldiers because firstly, they are doing that "teach a man to fish" thing which i think that is really great, but also i would think it would be very difficult to teach a knitted blanket to grow anything at all.
around these parts, the high temps this week are not predicted to be above 30º. if you're not an outdoorsy type, you might be surprised to learn that 30º doesn't really feel that cold - when the wind isn't blowing and the sun's shining and you're self-propelling at a reasonably aggressive clip and you're dressed appropriately. for this reason, i am happy to have purchased tights. some runners would go on the theory that your legs are what is moving, so they will naturally be warm, and it's your core that needs to be bundled. there is also a school of thought that if you are a hoss you will wear shorts all winter. i contend that it's more important to keep the legs warm because keeping warm the muscles that are in use goes a long way to preventing injury. i further contend that i will show you who's a hoss when i emerge from the winter uninjured and kick your arse at that springtime 5k. bwah!
finally opened the box and pulled out the new computer. you'd think we'd be like totally freaking excited to open it, but because the old computer still works and the new computer is basically the same thing, well it's simply not that exciting. now, of course, the new computer is totally newer - durr - but otherwise it's the same. if you see what i am saying there.