20 January 2010

wouldn't it be ironic of the jets knock off the colts?

if you recall, i had a crown implanted in my mouth back in august. that is like 5 months ago. you'd think it would be all settled down by now. well, it's not. it is usually either not hurting at all or is totally killing me and the entire side of my head hurts. nice, huh? that is why i went to another dentist and an endodontist to have it checked out. guess what they said? absolutely nothing is wrong with it. nothing. it's fitted well and has no disease or decay. right. WHY THE HELL IS IT HURTING? c'mon guys - this is your job! i tell you "me hurtie!" and you fix it. simple one-for-one trade: my pain for your gain. you fixee - me payee. gaaa!

in other news, i think the white eggland's best eggs have retarded shells because retarded means moving at a slow rate and these egg shells move at a slooooow rate. they do NOT want to come off the egg, the retards! huge gaping clods of egg get torn off no matter how gentle i am or how careful i try to be. i will not get these retarded eggs again. the publix cage free organic brown eggs are much better behaved. i am fairly certain the cage freeness of their upbringing makes them more settled as adult eggs; ergo, their cooperation factor is higher. they are all very centered - the yokes are never all over on one side of the whites like you'll get with some of your more uncentered eggs - and they are simply more mature, better team players, ready to get on with the task at hand. they are your basic high self-esteem egg.

have you seen that teevee ad for direct auto insurance in which direct auto proclaims they will do your tax return for $99? and give you cash for your refund? i am really at a loss to figure out what is up with that. i looked it up online and i can find nothing on their website to reveal anything about their providing this service. why would an auto insurance company file your tax returns? i believe this is either an odd juxtaposition of services that are poorly supported by the very company that is providing them - OR - a teevee commercial that while attempting to be witty is simply so stupid that it is not even possible to figure out what is the deal. in conclusion, you probably would have had to have seen the commersh to get any of this so you might view having read this as having been a waste of your time but where else would you have been going to be getting your pluperfect verb fix?


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