15 January 2010

speedy replacement plan, phase 1

speedy is gone for good this time. she's not coming back and it's time to move on. time to replace the speedster -- a running buddy, a drinking buddy, a friend. i'd be hard-pressed to replace her with only one person and that's going to be a real problem because i truly don't like people. at. all.

speedy made a great running buddy because although she was capable of much greater feats of speed than i, she always ran WITH me. this is really key to a running buddy - the running together part. speedy made a great running buddy because she was always full of stories. she could turn a 5 minute retail transaction into a 30 minute tale of hilarity & woe. we were never at a loss for convo, and this was totally due to her contributions cause i am not that much of a talker. speedy made a great running buddy because she would run where i wanted when i wanted how far i wanted. she didn't care where we went or who else was there, so long as i was there. i could drag her everywhere from 5AM 20 mile training runs to high-noon 5Ks. she just didn't care. speedy made a great running buddy because she agreed the true importance of running as far as possible was to burn as many calories as possible so as to eat whatever we dambed well pleased. speedy made a great running buddy because she didn't like people. at. all. we mercilessly mocked other runners, celebrities, family members, each other. speedy made a great running buddy because she lived close by and her car had heated seats. speedy made a great running buddy because she agreed that going for a run is not a fashion parade and if you end up in a matching outfit, it was probably a colossal mistake. hell, anyone who wears a hat like that hat she wore - that person does not care about fashion! speedy made a great running buddy because she loved me and i loved her.

but speedy lives 800 miles away now and she's not coming back. it's time to get another running buddy. it's not going to be easy but before i can call it hopeless, i have to give it a try so tomorrow morning i am going to some group run thing at a local running store. probably be a bunch of idiots in matching outfits. probably too stupid to carry on a convo. probably all run really fast. probably care more about nutrition than flavour. probably wouldn't know an egg mcmuffin if it bit them on the nose.


it's not going to be easy... and it's only phase 1.


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