09 January 2010

vandy 95 - florida 87. woowoo!

sometimes i hesitate to use a paper towel because it seems a waste. like say i am peeling a hard-cooked egg in the morning for the breaking of the fast. there will be eggshells. i don't want to just put them on the counter, but to get a nice, clean, unused paper towel just to hold the shells and then to throw it away? this seriously seems a waste. and, i am not talking here about keeping down the levels of trash in the world. that is not the concern that is on my mind in these moments. my concern is that the paper towels cost like 2ยข per each and dos pesos is worth more than eggshells. i want to get the most out of each paper towel. i find myself not wanting to throw away a paper napkin for the same reason. it's not totally used up. i feel like i should be able to use it again but i realise nobody wants to see my paper napkin sitting there waiting to be used again. i need a paper napkin storage recepticle. or i could use cloth napkins like elvis & priscilla do, although i don't believe their usage is for savings of any kind or any other reason than affectation.


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