03 January 2010

hip dominica honica sonica.... remember when the only place you could get coors was colorado?

around these parts, the high temps this week are not predicted to be above 30º. if you're not an outdoorsy type, you might be surprised to learn that 30º doesn't really feel that cold - when the wind isn't blowing and the sun's shining and you're self-propelling at a reasonably aggressive clip and you're dressed appropriately. for this reason, i am happy to have purchased tights. some runners would go on the theory that your legs are what is moving, so they will naturally be warm, and it's your core that needs to be bundled. there is also a school of thought that if you are a hoss you will wear shorts all winter. i contend that it's more important to keep the legs warm because keeping warm the muscles that are in use goes a long way to preventing injury. i further contend that i will show you who's a hoss when i emerge from the winter uninjured and kick your arse at that springtime 5k. bwah!

it says a lot about our society that we have long, intense, well-funded, well-staffed television programs solely devoted to analyzing the spectator sport of professional football. it says something further that the majority of these shows are totally & completely wack. watch terry & howie on fox, or don't watch at all.

speaking of football, i was fixing to perform some additional analysis on the football spreadsheet i've got going, but it's not on this computer. i made the entire c:\ of the old computer shareable, but apparently this shareability doesn't trickle down to the subfolders so i started going through and making each folder shareable one by freaking one, but this was tedious and made me feel kind of stupid. i could set up a home workgroup, but the new kid is win7 and the other 2 are XP, so making them all talk nicely - while i am sure it's possible - is not immediately obvious and it's precisely this type of puzzle that drove me screaming out of technical support 15 years ago. just because i am smart - no, make that brilliant -- just because i am brilliant plus i have been using computers since that trs-80 with the cassette tape brain -- just because i have the intelligence and the experience to figure these things out doesn't mean i enjoy figuring it out. i enjoy when folks play together as they should, but i don't enjoy talking them into it, and these machines are particularly immune to being sent to bed without supper.


At 04 January, 2010 12:10, Blogger Unknown said...

Terry and Howie (not to mention Jimmy, Chris, Dan, Boomer 1, Shannon, James, Boomer 2, Coach, Keyshawn, Cris, and TJ) are morons.

In my opinion, NBC has a good crew (especially Dungy and Collinsworth) and the game folks for MNF are good as well.

The rest could be on mute for my dollar.

At 28 December, 2011 16:14, Blogger Gary said...

What is "hip dominica honica sonica" from? My grandpa used to say it all the time...

At 28 December, 2011 16:17, Blogger ace said...

greetings, sir anonymous gary of the no profile!

alls i know is that was a cheerleading call, back in the day. not sure the original origination.


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