06 January 2010

live blogging from the dentist chair

well yeah - the dentist isn't in here yet. like i am going to blog from the supine position. heh. scuse me dr dental while i transmit my thoughts to the slobbering masses. right.

chickened out this morn on running. it was like <10° and so i rode the stat bike which of course i now regret bc i like being that eejit who goes out into blustery cold at the crack of dawn to play in traffic. too bad tho cause you cannot go back but maybe i'll do better next chance i get.

it's 9:45 and my appt was at 9:30 and omg i can hear the freakin drill in another room! ack! ack!

you'll be surprised to hear that project at work is still dragging on. just kidding. i mean - just kidding on the "surprised" part bc it's par for the course, of course. not just kidding on the dragging part. that's for reals, yo.

where's the dentist?! i want to get this over with....


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