11 January 2010

when i got done my chores & sat down to blog, the time was 19:19:19 which is aces + 9s but 9s are upside down 6s so it looks a mite evil boll weevil.

were you ever starting to do the dishes and when you turned on the water you thought maybe you had to pee a little but you were sure it was just a water-reaction so you started to do the dishes and then the more you did the dishes the more you realised guess what you actually DO have to pee, it's not just mental, but now you are halfway finished with the dishes so you are thinking - hey, i can get done the dishes first then i will go pee - so you are washing kind of faster & faster & faster and now you are starting to sort of dance around hoppity-hop in front of the sink and you are splashing water and suds are flying and water and soap and dishes and you're rinsing rinsing rinsing and you fling down the last piece of cheap plastic lunchwear into the drainer and throw down the sponge and you runrunrun to the potty and you just barely almost nearly make it but you peed just a teensy weensy itty bitty wee tiny bit in your pants? um... heh. right. yeah, well me neither and who would be so gross? jezz louezz!

did you hear that jay leno is moving back to 10pm and conan's getting booted back to 11pm and i guess jimmy fallon is moving on down the line from there? only, conan's all like «if that's how you're gonna be, i'm leaving!» to which i say - good riddance! conan is a pandering, unfunny idiot. word on the street is that leno's numbers are good but he's not delivering the audience to the late-night news. how can your numbers be good, but you're not delivering an audience to the news? where are the folks going? i have 2 theories and the first is that the news sux. our local nbc affiliate has sucky news, so extrapolating from my experience to the entire rest of humanity, i conclude everyone else's does, too. and, here's my other theory - people were formerly staying up to watch leno, so they would sit through the news to get there. conan's not worth the wait. ergo - it is not that leno is not leading the folks into the news, it's that conan is not bringing them out the other side.

finally, from the world of sports - mark mcgwire admits to having taken steriods and i don't know why this wasn't obvious to people from the beginning because everyone knows that the correct spelling is "mcguire" and you can see right there in his name that his "u" twice as big as it should be.


At 12 January, 2010 21:48, Blogger dmb said...

You do realize the lady in the picture at the top is in our kitchen...



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