28 January 2010

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currently reading the youngest templar: keeper of the grail and so far so good. it's got your monks and your castles and your richard the lionheart and your knights and your dusty horsies and your candles and trenchers and attic rooms and purses of coins and one extra shirt and a piece of parchment.

it's written in the 1st person, which is always somewhat of a comfort b/c if someone is telling the story, then they probably came thru the thing okay, you know? except the lovely bones which if i remember correctly was 1st person and in which [SPOILER ALERT] the narrator died like right off the bat. one could argue of course that her death was not what she needed to come through, but rather it was her death she needed to get on with. and then there is the house of sand and fog which if i remember correctly was in 1st person and which is probably the single most terrible book i have actually read all the way through and i'll tell you that at one point there's a 1st person death and i don't care if i just spurled it fer ya there buddy b/c if i can stop one person from reading that piece of crap book then an angel gets its wings. i kept reading that book in hopes that it would be redeemed, but it was not. i am thinking the aim was some sort of faulkneresqueness, but if you'll read faulkner a bit more closely you will see the folks in his tales are redeemed or at least resolved in some way. a 1st person account of honor killing of the persian variety is not a redemptive - it's simply repulsive.

but ANYWAY - 1st person is usually a safe bet for a happy ending, and i can get on board with a happy ending in a book b/c the whole point of reading for entertainment is... uh... entertainment. and i am entertained by happy endings. my old man is a fan of what he'd call "realistic" endings but i contend that happy can be real, too, and anyway, i don't care. i am reading for entertainment. enter.tain.ment. i wish to spend my leisure time in activities that inspire me to happiness.


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