21 January 2010

happy birthday priscilla!*

well i guess you're wanting to know my opinion on the maine senatorial election, so here you go: things are really getting interesting now.

speaking of circuses... and, you know, elephants....

today when i went out for a run the elephant parade was coming down the street. in case you don't know - the elephant parade is how the elephants get from the circus train to the arena. they do not ride on floats. they walk. i am not sure if their route included other streets, but there weren't really too many folks out watching them go by on this street. of course, the elephant parade is a rather unpredictable affair so maybe that cuts down on the crowds. it was supposed to occur at 10am and then they changed it to 8:30am but i went out at 11am, so i would guess it started maybe closer to 10am.

at any rate, the parade also included: ponies and teenytiny ponies and lots of men holding ropes down the side of the whole kittenkaboodle [no real kittens involved] so that eejits don't try to get too close to the elephants and ponies and teenytiny ponies. the ponies and teenytiny ponies were wearing blankets and looking around at the crowds a lot but the elephants were doing neither. the elephants are [durr] freakin ginormous, but when they are walking down the street it is an oddly quiet thing. their feet are soft-bottomed like people feet, and they don't really pick their feet up too high, so they sort of just shuffle along with a dry swishing sound.

elephants are oddly quiet, do not make eye contact, and eschew jackets. they are so ginormous there is no way you would not notice them yet they always seem to be trying to simply blend into the background. you can't help talking about them but they don't want any attention. they are the elephant in the room of their own lives.

*the wishing of happy birthday to priscilla should in no way be associated with circuses. or, you know, elephants. i mean, unless she wants a circus-themed b'day party or to go to the circus for her b'day - either of which are well within the realm of possible things she can have for her birthday if she so chooses as a full-grown adult person. but what i am mostly not trying to say nor would i ever say is that pregnant priscilla is elephantine. no. that is not what i am saying at all. heh. heh heh. not.


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