happy new year's eve
until a couple weeks ago, i thought a rick roll was a type of sushi. today i successfully rick rolled at least 2 people on the msg bd. that is, 2 people admitted to it. bwah! i am the ruler of the roll!
called my old man this morn at abt 7am to wake him up. no answer. figured he got up & just did not pick up the phone. forgot about calling him back. remembered at around 8:30. called again at 8:30, and was talking along there - "hey hope you're up" blah blah, and i thought i heard some noise in the background and was thinking it must have been noises at work, and then he was like "you sound like YOU need to wake up", and i realized he had been listening to me yabber when i thought it was the answering machine. the noise i heard was the teevee. you could say that was sort of a live rick roll. which is really funnier if you know his true name, which is roll.
new year's eve has so far proved [proven?] to be quite exciting in its own way. vandy won the music city bowl, so that rocks. go 'dores!! and, i came home from work & spontaneously began to clean out the closet. ended up cleaning out the closet, and also every drawer, box, & bag. i was absolutely ruthless & have amassed quite a mass of the giveaway goods. nothing like taking control to start the new year off right. yuh-huh.
oh, and both my old man & mini-me have colds, so i will likely have one by sunday, when i am supposed to go run 12 miles. yipee-ki-yay!