04 December 2008


this morning, i looked at the calendar/clock combination in igoogle, and it said dec 4 with the 4 really big on a line by itself right beside the clock. the clock was pointing to 8 o'clock. i did a double take b/c i thought the clock was on 4 o'clock. i dyslexically read the analog clock under the influence of the date. i knew right then, it was going to be a great day. hrm.

for unknown reasons, we are watching a show called redemption song. it is a singing contest for, like... fallen girls or something. i don't know what the redemption part is about. anyhootle - the point is that during the singing part, this one girl kept moving the mic away from her mouth. and, guess what? she was eliminated. renews my faith in the judges of... um... of... of amateurish singing shows on obscure satellite channels. hrm.

at vitamin shoppe, we have earned 866 points. with another 144 pts, we would reach 1000. for 866 pts, we will receive $25 store credit. for 1000 pts, we will receive $50. some items are on double points right now, so we need to spend $75 or so on the proper branded items to earn the necessary points. we use the stuff. we could purchase items for junior's xmas gifts. we could simply purchase more vitamins. there are options that are valid. it is not like we will not use what we purchase. usually, i would not advise spending money to get money, but we cannot roll over our pts to next year. it is not as simple as one might believe. hrm.


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