22 December 2008

monday night blogging

got a few things wrapped. woo-woo! it's been an odd xmash season. my old man's taken a part-time job, so he's busy all the time. haven't been shopping w/ him. still don't have all the stuff i'd like to have for all the folks i'd like to have something for. but, i don't like all the buy-buy-buy. but, i like to give people stuff. it's fun to watch people open stuff. it's just all so confusing. trying now to simply enjoy the fun stuff & let the rest go.

so, football. you know what would be a good idea for these pro teams that play when it's so cold, and they are all complaining about cold footballs being hard to throw & hard to catch? football warmers. like those incubators they put little tiny babies in. except it would not have to be sterile like that.

a local church was on the news b/c they have a nativity scene out, and the baby jesus was stolen. apparently, this is happening across the country. rampant baby jesus stealing. some churches have put gps devices in their nativity scene pieces. that's wack. i mean, it's bad enough that religious pieces are getting stolen, but it's messed up that anything on private property is getting stolen or vandalized. why can't we just leave each others' stuff alone?


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