i already told mini-me the story, so somebody else better read it, or it was a total waste of time typing it out.
so i was running along today, basically minding my own business, came to an intersection. waited for the light to change. confirmed no oncoming traffic. took off across the intersection when lo & behold, a car passes in front of me. what? huh? did i misread the light? momentary panic while i assess the situation. hrm. i am indeed crossing with the light, so what is this guy up to? i give the unruly crosser the universal wtf gesture - the oversized shrug. i yell - what the hell are you doing, man??. he is thru the intersection by this point. he stops his car, gets out, turns around, and yells - so i ran a fuckin' red light - what are you gonna fuckin' do about it, bitch! uh... what? i mean, jeezumpete, massive gargantuan fail. so, i give him the oversized shrug again, with the sort of italian hand waving emphasis, with no yelling. he yells something similar to what he yelled before, throwing in dyke for special emphasis. i am still somewhat taken by surprise & really cannot come up with a more inventive comeback than more silent ubershrugs with italian emphasis. he returns to his car, gets in, sits behind the wheel, shoots me a bird, and drives off. i am still with the wtf attitude, pretty much standing in the middle of the road. i gather myself together & carry on, rather bursting with adrenaline. i actually saw the guy on the next block, with a companion in the car. seriously, wtf was up w/ him?
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