is grissom really leaving csi?
there is an office holiday party. it was billed as "going out to lunch" but turns out it's a bait & switch - we are going to play laser tag. not that i have anything against laser tag, per se, but i definitely have something against the bait & switch. i wish i had found out, but no one knew that i knew, b/c i would have worn totally inappropriate clothing and been like oh, well - guess i cannot play. but, i do know, so now i have to come up with another excuse b/c i will not be baited & switched upon without a fight. b/c that is just how i am.
::sigh:: i really don't like all this razzle dazzle around christmas. on the one hand, it's a simple holy day and should be celebrated with worship & respect, not with commercialism. on the other hand, it is not the most important event on the christian calendar - yet it is treated as such. have we covered this ground?
it snowed some around here today, and that is all wintery & celebratey, but people around here just lose their freakin' minds when it snows. they drive like absolute eejits and do all sorts of bizarre manuevers they would never do if it were clear. running red lights, pulling in front of other drivers, making left turns across lanes & lanes of traffic. someone drove off the road out front of the house, and traffic backed up for about a quarter mile. so, what did folks do? honk at each other. um... really? you are honking at each other? do you think that people just stopped in the road for no reason, and by honking, you will move them along? bizarre.
learned something today -- the ideal shape for a symphony hall is a shoebox shape - a long narrow rectangle. visited a symphony hall designed in this very shape, and it looked like an ancient cathedral. large, high-ceilinged hall with seats in rows on the floor, boxes up on the walls, huge pipe organ in the front. perhaps the ancient cathedrals were built in that shape on purpose. go figure.
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