05 December 2008

blueberry pancakes!

my old man is taking a class and had a test tonight. we did the test together b/c the way the class works, there's no time to read the book before you take the test, but you're allowed to have the book open. took 3.5 hrs to find all the answers in the book, but the work payed off - we scored a 98. yay us!

after we took the test, we went to cracker barrel and had pancakes. yay us!

finished reading the appeal by john grisham. if you think you will read it, you might not want to read my review. it was typical grisham, with the exception that the bad guy won in the end. that was a surprise. kept excepting the grisham twist where the small guy sticks it to the man. didn't happen. grisham is good at pacing and providing suspense. his characters aren't extremely well rounded - most of them are sort of flat. the main characters have some depth, but the main-main character is the plot, with the people in supporting roles. grisham does a stellar job of reminding us who the characters are as they rush through the scenery, so you don't get lost in the story. one of the shortcomings, though, is the way grisham wraps things up. he goes along for hundreds of pages developing a plot, and wraps it all up in usually less than 10 pgs. it's his modus operandi - you can bet that a grisham plot will bob & weave, punch & feint, float like a butterfly & sting like a bee - it will become complex and rush madly to the edge of convoluted where it will suddenly stop short as if it hit a wall, neatly wrap up all the ends, and come to a close. the wrap up is weakly satisfying, but something about the speed with which it happens leaves something to be desired.

tomorrow -- to the liberry we go!!


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