let's just say, hypothetically, that you really like fritos. you know they're not good for you, so you try not to be around them. but, you do like them. a lot. when you see them, out & about, amongst the other choices in a normal life-setting, you can see them for what they are -- an unhealthy choice. you can make another choice b/c in comparison to the healthy choices, the fritos are obviously not the way to go.
but, you do like them. a lot.
and, you know that sometimes there are fritos available... say... an open bag of fritos that's been left... unattended. you know that happens sometimes, and you also know certain places that are a little more probable locations for an unattended, open bag of fritos.
you begin to think of these fritos, and you really can't get them off your mind. because you do like them. a lot. and, you know that there's this open bag, unattended, so you can potentially have as many as you want. and, no one will have to know. you're not 100% certain that the unattended fritos will be where you think they might be, so it's not like anyone can say you are going on purpose for the fritos. there's just a chance that they will be left open, unattended, there... and you know where "there" is. you have a very plausible reason for being there anyway, so you can go there unquestioned. and just check to see if the fritos are there. you might not even have any, even if they are there, unattended.
now, say that in addition to liking the fritos. a lot. and knowing where they might be. unattended. say that in addition to these issues, you also have made an accountability pact with someone and promised not to have fritos. ever.
is it wrong to go where the fritos might be, knowing you've promised not to have any? can you go there, and not have any? is it wrong to simply want the fritos? let's say that it is reasonable to expect of you that you will not have them, can it moreover be expected of you, that you will not even want them? let's say that you have decided that you aren't going to actually have any of them, but you just want to know if they're still there -- an open, unattended bag of fritos? is it wrong to periodically check to see if the open, unattended bag of fritos still exists?
it's possible that the open, unattended bag was an illusion. it's possible that it never existed, and it's possible that it did exist but does not now exist. is it wrong to want it to be there... open & unattended, simply waiting?