08 November 2009

quarter-finals: we win 3-1. semi's: we lose 1-2.

::sigh:: outdoor futbol's over for the season. in a couple weeks the indoor season will be over. ::sigh::

but my old man ordered a pizza to be delivered and we're watching the titans, so it's all good. the titans game is being reffed [refed? ref'd?] by carl cheffers. this is carl's second year as a referee. he has been a side judge since 2000 and was promoted last year when a couple guys retired. carl lives in california with his wife & kids. upon promoting him, the referee director said of carl: "he is very knowledgeable of the rules, a good rules guy. strong presence... clearly a crew leader." good for you, carl!

so we're sitting here waiting on the pizza and i am getting pretty hungry. delivery has a price, and you pay in time. we don't order from dominos, so it takes more than 30 minutes to arrive, but it is supposably a better quality pizza. that matters to my old man - doesn't really matter to me. i like good pizza and bad pizza. i like cheap frozen pizza that you eat at home - well, i don't like it actually frozen like a pizza popsicle. you know what i mean. i like handmade gourmet hot-to-your-table pizza you eat at the restaurant. i like cold pizza that's leftover for breakfast the next day, or like, later in the week. i like anything on pizza - except onions or hamburger, but if they're on it, i'll .....



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