when you have so many blessings that you have to sort of make up stuff to complain about, then you have it good, eh?
being allowed to play in the traditional touch football game on thanksgiving should not be gender related.
it is good to have one's health.
not all girls like to cook, chat, or order jewelry from magazines.
it is good to have a warm place to sit and no pressing responsibilities.
shooting pool is harder than you might think.
it is good to have fun.
there is such a thing as too many cranberries.
it is good to have enough to eat and to have tasty food to eat.
having been a part of someone else's family for 20 years doesn't automatically translate into a desire to spend an entire afternoon with that family. hell, being a part of one's own family for any amount of time doesn't necessarily translate into wanting to spend an afternoon with them, either.
it is good to be surrounded by people who love each other.
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