books 2008
[elizabeth gilbert]
the name of the wind
[patrick rothfuss]
the life all around me by ellen foster
[kaye gibbons]
the big over easy
[jasper fford]
currently: playing for pizza
[john grisham]
hubert knew that if there were a sidewalk, he must be in the city. there are no sidewalks outside the limits. being in the city is a good thing if you are a city dweller, but hubert was not a city dweller. hubert was a cavey -- he had lived his entire life in the complex network of caves by the sea. so, he could discern that #1: he was in the city, and #2: he was up the proverbial creek. the city might as well be the moon, for all that hubert knew of either one.
the clouds parted, and the moon shone through. hubert was startled by the sight of his shadow -- for a not-quite-full moon, it was stunningly bright, casting the surroundings into sharp contrast. not containing the full spectrum of color, moonlight cannot reveal the full spectrum of color, leaving the environment in total greyscale. sharp contrast, but total greyscale. the grass, sidewalk, curb, street... the puddles of mud swirling around hubert's trainers - all was cast in shades of grey.
spotted while waiting for the vanpool: one each young man wearing loafers, tight dark jeans, tan sport jacket, & carrying umbrella & plaid messenger bag. texted elvis who confirmed gaydar alarm sounding.
everyone. hey! i am talking to you. everyone!
on the local shoney's: over five new items on the breakfast buffet. over five, eh? like... uh... six? right.
watching harry potter #2 on dvd, and believe we should all go around in robes all the time. not like bath robes, ya dweebus -- wizarding robes. duh.
was a pontiac g6, which has a v6. let's just say it's got great pickup & sustainable speed, and leave it at that, eh?
greetings from the home of elvis, priscilla, & beavis. the wee little screaming man is coming along just fine, and elvis & priscilla have been amazingly adaptable.
it is good friday. i remember a poem from jr high about lincoln's assassination, and it began - "good friday was the day of the prodigy & crime, they shot him in his..., they shot him in his prime". i have not been able to find it online for years... but i looked again today, and presto - here it is. written by herman melville. it's a sort of comparison of lincoln to jeebus. [that is jesus in regular english, but being currently in the land of beavis, we shall pronouncalize it thusly - jeebus.]
the cake was fresh baked banana bread. lunch & dinner out, flowers, vandy sweatshirt, dvd player, $20, $25, candles, & cards. would have had princess bride, if it were to be had, but alas... additionally, received neither pie nor book. odd, that.
if you were to receive a gift, would you rather have a book or a pie? would it matter what kind of book or what kind of pie?
the crappy green team put up quite a fight today in our first game of the season. we had to play down a couple, and the other team is well-known for poor sportsmanship. it was a close game and came down to the wire. the final score will reveal how tight the game was, and how hard we fought before losing... 12-0.
she did not know why she liked to walk on the beach... she just knew that she liked it. sand, shells, waves & foam, driftwood, and smooth little pieces of glass. sometimes there was a sand dollar or a starfish, but usually not.
word wordie word word
watching harry potter & the sorcerer's stone while my rice w/ shrimp & asparagus heats on the stove. here's what i am wondering about harry potter -- did we ever get the whole scoop on harry's aunt & her relationship with harry's mother? i think not. something happened between those 2 sisters when they were children. and, there's more between harry & dudley. but, ol' j.k. had to spend so much time bringing poor dumbledore out of the closet, she didn't have time to cover the real business.
if one were to use one's light sabre to spread nutella on one's biscuits, would one's light sabre retain a patina of nutella? or, is it the nature of the light sabre to remain unsullied by residues?
my new toy is working. too bad you do not know what it is.
talking about this year's pro football draft, the radio guy said - this draft is full of inside left tackles. fairly specific, don't you think?
ol' teddy kennedy is truly old - 76 yrs old as of someday this week. they showed a clip on the news channel of him singing something from some podium somewhere in some language that did not sound like english. he appeared to be drunk, and it was sort of an odd clip, but you know what? i really feel sorry for ol' teddy. there he was back in the day, the little baby brother party boy, and then his two serious older brothers up & get theirselves shot, leaving him to bear the burden of their greatness. he's never been up to the task of being that serious, and it's a wee bit unfair that seriousness has been expected of him. all those expectations, and two dead brothers. sheezle.
beavis sent me a bag of candy corn. such the kidder he is becoming. trying to work out a trip up there to check him out in person, and wondering why road trips have to be so complicated. maybe b/c i don't have a car, eh? yeah. tonight, the oldest odometer known to man did a big ol' flipperooney and landed on 209000. impressive, quite. but, not something you'd want to rely on for the road trip adventure.
the palindromic 12:22:21
remember how i won the lotto? yeah, well... i seem to have misplaced the actual $40 that i won. sheezlemeneezle. either that, or i spent more on the adventure than that for which i have verifiable recall. either way, it's all coming up short $40.
so, i had this medical test today that involved a tube up the nose & down the throat. odd & disgusting, though not overly painful due to the numbing substance one must snuffle up ones nose. now that was really the especially disgusting part. anyhoo - i was telling my old man how it was all oogie & slightly painful, and he was like - the last time i had a tube stuck in my body, it was in my ___. hey, kids, you fill in the blank, okay? yeah, and you know it... he wins this round in the medical test challenge.
that is what the odometer revealed today.
have you heard the latest? the globe is cooling, not warming. the global warmers as expected are claiming the cooling as part of the warming. i would like to clue them in - of course it is all part