21 March 2008

friDAY friDAY friDAY

it is good friday. i remember a poem from jr high about lincoln's assassination, and it began - "good friday was the day of the prodigy & crime, they shot him in his..., they shot him in his prime". i have not been able to find it online for years... but i looked again today, and presto - here it is. written by herman melville. it's a sort of comparison of lincoln to jeebus. [that is jesus in regular english, but being currently in the land of beavis, we shall pronouncalize it thusly - jeebus.]

Good Friday was the day
Of the prodigy and crime,
When they killed him in his pity,
When they killed him in his prime
Of clemency and calm-
When with yearning he was filled
To redeem the evil-willed,
And, though conqueror, be kind;
But they killed him in his kindness,
In their madness and their blindness,
And they killed him from behind.

There is sobbing of the strong,
And a pall upon the land;
But the People in their weeping
Bare the iron hand;
Beware the People weeping
When they bare the iron hand.

He lieth in his blood-
The father in his face;
They have killed him, the Forgiver-
The Avenger takes his place,
The Avenger wisely stern,
Who in righteousness shall do
What the heavens call him to,
And the parricides remand;
For they killed him in his kindness,
In their madness and their blindness,
And his blood is on their hand.

There is sobbing of the strong,
And a pall upon the land;
But the People in their weeping
Bare the iron hand;
Beware the People weeping
When they bare the iron hand.


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