the clouds parted, and the moon shone through.
the clouds parted, and the moon shone through. hubert was startled by the sight of his shadow -- for a not-quite-full moon, it was stunningly bright, casting the surroundings into sharp contrast. not containing the full spectrum of color, moonlight cannot reveal the full spectrum of color, leaving the environment in total greyscale. sharp contrast, but total greyscale. the grass, sidewalk, curb, street... the puddles of mud swirling around hubert's trainers - all was cast in shades of grey.
as his eyes adjusted to the new level of visibility, hubert oriented himself. this was his footlocker, on its wheeled cart. this was his bookbag. between the two of them, these meager pieces of luggage held most all his worldly belongings. he checked his pockets: knife, coins, compass, whistle, and most important, his personal identification papers. thanking the greater-power that his p.i.p.'s were intact, hubert set about attempting to discern where in the hula he was.
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