02 March 2008


woke up in the middle of last night and found out it was actually early in the morning - 4:44:44 to be exact. sweet! speedy & i went for a run, and as predicted, it just wasn't our day and not our best effort. however, speedy spotted $20 in the ditch. sweet! ut won their basketball game [unlike vandy yesterday] and then i had an hour nap. sweet! went to the grocery, and they didn't have aquafina aleve water, but they had a yoyo for 99ยข. sweet!

[okay, it's not aleve water, it's alive water, but you don't know the whole story of the reason why we call it that. rest assured that i did not spell it wrongly.]

watching the race, and tony stewart went out on lap 109. don't want to see anyone seriously hurt, but sorry to you tony stupidhead stewart - couldn't happen to a nicer guy. i am not going to say "sweet!" about a wreck, but we're all on the same page here, are we not? yes, we are. you know what is ironical? all the race teams sponsored by beers & liquors -- jack daniels, jim beam, budweiser -- and fairly certain here you're not supposed to be drinking & driving.

speaking of driving, we tested a maxima yesterday. talk about sweet! dark gray exterior, black interior, 5-speed, with a moonroof, cd-player, and sweet stylin' with a spoiler on the back. very sweet car, but the unfortunateness of a wee issue -- either my old man forgot how to drive a 5-speed, or the clutch is out. criminy. oh, yeah... 107k miles on the li'l sweetie... that's a wee bit much mileage. still holding out hope for it to pass the mechanic test, but it's a small hope. i would say i will keep you posted, but we all know i will forget about it.

stay sweet!


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