08 March 2008

eschew conformity: spring sideways

talking about this year's pro football draft, the radio guy said - this draft is full of inside left tackles. fairly specific, don't you think?

caught last night on tv a sport i have not seen. it is difficult to explain, but these people were hanging from ropes off the side of a cliff and doing, like, formations together. i thought maybe i could find a picture of it, but no luck. it was cool & looked fairly intense. the people practicing it were quite buff. i would say it is like skydiving formations, but they were tied to the ropes.

why do all the culkin boys have such long hair? girlie boys. macaulay. kieran. rory. how many of he little freakers are there?

did some shopping today & came home with a present for me. i would venture to say you will never guess what it is, but i will give you three guesses & this hint: the purchase was made at best buy. if nobody guesses, i will presume nobody cares, and i will tell nobody what i purchased.

in closing, found this ace for you today:


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