18 June 2010

what have we here? a few purchases.

a couple cartons of coconut water. it's supposed to be a superior hydrator. these little cartons were a bit pricey, like $1.30, and so i only got 2 so i am not sure how i will know if they work because that's a small sample. i had the guava one yesterday and it was yummy. and, i guess i was hydrated with it? i really don't know how you'd know after 1 or even 2. i'd think you'd have to add these into the daily regimen and i don't know if it's best to use coconut water before going out or after returning from the running or both, which would double the usage, or if it doesn't matter at all, or maybe it matters a lot and i need to drink 5 per day. the good folks at the vitamin shoppe are somewhat helpful but can you trust someone who benefits from selling you stuff when they tell you how much to purchase?

also purchased at the vitamin shoppe, the chandrika soap. i have no idea what is chandrika which is a bit of a risk on my part since i am going to touch it to my bare skin. you google up the definition and learn it's the brand name of an herbal soap. huh. i axted the salesguy can i bring it back if it makes me break out in a rash and get my 99ยข back, and he laughed. and, i stood there unlaughing waiting for an answer, and he looked at me, then he said, "yes, we will give you a store credit." why did my rash thinking make him laugh? i don't think that's very nice.

the final purchase is the vanilla wafers which were the penny item at publix, but that's not the point. the point is the package features van-zilla. ggrrrrr!!! heh. i love publix's packaging.

van-zilla!!!! raaawrrr!!


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