08 June 2010

thangs yew dew

sometimes i have a million things i can't wait to tell you and i'll prewrite like 5 blogs but sometimes the daily writing is a hassle, a burden, i just have nothing to say. i didn't exactly MEAN TO start the daily writing but just like anything that happens more than once in a row [since once in a row is fairly simple to accomplish] writing more than one day in a row opened the potential for it to become a thang i dew.

everybody's got thangs they dew. the thangs yew dew [can] define yew. like, remember phastguy? he does this thang where if someone on the message board says... hmmm... maybe something like, "capitalism is the best method to accomplish fair wealth distribution." yeah, if you say something like that he will post a bunch of increasingly longer rants and stomp out of the virtual room. it's a thang he dew.

but i digress.

the daily writing thang i dew just sort of happened but then after a while, you know, it was rolling and that's when it's more difficult to stop than to keep it going. i mean, of course, it is obvious, goes without saying - tomorrow could be the day i miss. in a couple weeks when i am off to brigadoon, well, there'll likely be some misses there unless i preload which is sort of like cheating but not really because i still have to write something it's just not written that day.

but i digress.

let us ponder this writing every day thing. to do this, you've got to have something to say, right? sometimes it's drivel, sometimes it's reruns, sometimes it's pictures. today it's navel gazing. not everything can be a blue suitcase post, but without the other stuff, there would never be a blue suitcase post.

when i see something odd or funny, i'll make a note to share it here. i take pictures on purpose just to share here. does the discipline of daily writing teach one to look at the world a bit more closely, look for incidents, anecdotes to share, or does a person who looks at the world a bit more closely, looks for incidents, anecdotes to share, does that person naturally fall into daily writing? chicken? egg? chegg?


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