i don't have time for pix or really a title so you are just going to have to make do with a bit of verbalization.
nobody ever actually spoke latin. who the hell are they trying to kid with that crap? it's way too complicated. have you ever been around any 2-years-olds's? eh? they cannot even grasp "i" means "me" except when "you" means "me" if "i" say "you" to "you". jeez. 2-years-olds's can't even speak english, how could they possibly learn to speak latin? you wonder why folks say latin's dead? because it was never freakin alive in the first place! latin is a rock, an inanimate object. it's good for legalese and medicalese because there's a certain precision in its aloofness. all that said to say that when mini-me took latin in secondary school, she should have been awarded extra double bonus [in latin, bonus means good] points over her eejity peers who were tequilaing their way through espagnole. [p.s. nobody ever did math with roman numerals, either. get freaking serious.]
so i was just sitting here taking a wee bit of a nappynap because i am a mite knackered after the longish day and the hottish running, and i heard myself snoring which is always such a pleasant reminder of one's foible-ridden humanity, and then i was like... more... awake... and hearing something i couldn't place. at first, i thought it was the fridger going dead. poor old harvest gold fridger. but no, that wasn't it. then, i thought it was a noise being made by the landscape-business-entreprenuer-pig-owner next door. they can make quite a racket what with their loads of mulch being delivered and their work crews driving through the yard to reach the bonfire setup in the back to dump the brush from their clients' yards. then i thought that if i could hear all that racket from outside, the window must be open and what kinda freakin lunatic do i live with that he would leave the winder open in 90ยบ weather?! so i got my nappynap ass up and wandered to the winder, but no, the winder's not open. as long as i was wandering around, i spent a few moments pinpointing the sound and lo & behold it was coming from the chimbley! something done be in my chimbley! i went outside to catch a gander at it, and the ginormous sycamore is sic'ing the chimbley. you might be surprised to learn that particular happenstance can make a sound unlike any other, and therefore, a bit difficult to nail down. speaking of nailing down, i am betcha'ing that our chimbley is going to need a bit of nailing down upon the clearance of this happenstance.
the other day we were watching some kinda video countdown - greatest country hits of all times or some such nonsense. then came along that clint black song about "ain't it funny how a melody can bring back a memory, take you to another place & time, completely change your state of mind..." and of course the irony is that song's so old that it is that very melody itself that is now the memory catalyst.
i heard on npr the other day that catholic charities - which is a nationwide charity organization organized by catholics - collected $150mill for katrina relief while receiving a bit less than that for nashville flood relief and to help out those suffering from the results of the most recent gulf oil spill. for the former they received (are you ready for this?) two donations totalling (are you ready for this?) $600. for relief to those in the gulf, they received $520. the press release on the catholic charities website is dated 27 may so it doesn't represent the latest totals, but i really think you can hang with me on this one and say - what the???
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